“Book is a book is a book is a book”? Open Access monographs and the changing nature of contemporary scholarly publishing.


  • Agata Morka Versita (De Gruyter Publishing Group)




open access books,


See video of the presentation.

Publishing an article in open access is hardly an act of courage anymore, as this model has been successfully applied to scholarly journals for quite a while now. The idea of publishing a book in OA is, on the other hand, still seen as a rather eccentric idea.  This presentation looks closer at this very eccentricity, examining current developments in the application of OA models with respect to books. It focuses on three main questions: successful business models, academic systems of career advancement and scholars’ attitudes towards open access. Although delivered by a publisher, rather than looking at the idea of open access monograph from a strictly business-related point of view, it seeks to paint a more nuanced landscape of the changing nature of the scholarly book itself and the challenges it faces. Using the open access model as a tool, it proposes to redefine the boundaries of the very nature of the contemporary scholarly monograph and encourages rethinking of the current mechanisms of construction and dissemination of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Morka, A. (2014). “Book is a book is a book is a book”? Open Access monographs and the changing nature of contemporary scholarly publishing. Septentrio Conference Series, (1). https://doi.org/10.7557/5.3144