NAMMCO Scientific Publications: Announcements <p>The NAMMCO Scientific Publications series makes available in published, peer-reviewed form, scientific knowledge that is important for decision-making on the conservation and management of marine mammals.</p> en-US Mon, 30 Sep 2024 13:33:48 +0200 OJS 60 New volume: Call for Papers - Volume 14 "Anthropogenic Impacts on Marine Mammals" <p>The call for papers for Volume 14 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series is now open. This volume’s theme will be <em>“Anthropogenic Impacts on Marine Mammals”</em>. We are interested in submissions relating to human disturbances of marine mammals in the North Atlantic, including (but not limited to) works on catch and by-catch.</p> <p><strong>Submission, Review &amp; Publication Process</strong></p> <p>Manuscripts can be submitted online, for which at least one author will need to register as a user on <a href="">this site</a>. Submissions can be in the form of original Research Articles, Literature Reviews, Technical or Policy Notes, or Workshop Reports.</p> <p><u>Articles</u></p> <p>Articles are welcome from all disciplines and should present original research. All articles are peer-reviewed. Make a new submission to the <a href="">Articles</a> section.</p> <p><u>Workshop Reports</u></p> <p>Reports from international expert workshops relevant to the management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. Make a new submission to the <a href="">Workshop Reports</a> section.</p> <p><u>Notes</u></p> <p>Notes are short manuscripts that provide either technical descriptions of new innovations (Technical Note) or summaries in non-technical language of new and/or emerging issues that are of relevance for managers and policy makers (Policy Note). Make a new submission to the <a href="">Notes</a> section.</p> <p><u>Reviews</u></p> <p>Reviews provide a critical synthesis of relevant scholarly literature on a selected topic. All literature reviews will be subject to peer-review before publication. Make a new submission to the <a href="">Reviews</a> section.</p> <p>The Guidelines for Authors are available <a href="">here</a>. Note that although authors may submit their article in any format they prefer, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, they will need to ensure that it is transferred into the <a href="">NAMMCO Scientific Publications Template</a>. Authors are therefore also welcome to use this template to structure their initial submission.</p> <p>Manuscripts submitted as original Research Articles or Literature Reviews will be sent for single-blind peer review (i.e., author disclosed/reviewer anonymous) by at least two reviewers. Manuscripts submitted as Notes are not necessarily sent for peer review but will be reviewed by at least the one of the Editors.</p> <p>If accepted for publication, the manuscript will be published online as soon as it is finalised and authors will therefore not have to wait for the entire volume to be complete before their work is made publicly available.</p> <p><strong>Deadlines </strong></p> <p>Submissions for this call will be accepted between <em><strong>May 24<sup>th</sup> 2024 and March 3<sup>rd</sup> 2025</strong></em>.</p> <p><strong>Volume Editors</strong>: Heidi Ahonen (Norwegian Polar Institute, NO), Clare Andvik (University of Oslo, NO), Sophie Bourgeon (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, NO), Florence Caurant (University of La Rochelle, FR), David Lusseau (Technical University of Denmark, DK), Kimberly Murray (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA), Outi Tervo (Greenland Institute for Natural Resources, GL) </p> <p><strong>Contact</strong></p> <p>Should you have any questions about the journal or the suitability of your work for the volume, you can contact the Series Editors, Maria Garagouni <a href=""></a> and Naima El bani Altuna <a href=""></a>.</p> Thu, 23 May 2024 14:28:56 +0200 Volume finalised: Volume 12 - Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic - is now completed <p>The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (<a href="">NAMMCO</a>) is proud to present Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series. <em><a href="">Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic</a> </em>is a collection of papers edited by Fern Wickson, Heleen Middel and Albert Fernández Chacón.</p> <p>The North-East Atlantic and the waters of NAMMCO member countries host a diverse marine mammal community whose dynamics are influenced by multiple environmental and anthropogenic factors. In this context, knowledge from a variety of scientific disciplines is required to achieve effective marine mammal management and conservation. This multidisciplinary approach to marine mammal research and management is reflected in the several articles, reviews, notes, and reports included in this volume.</p> <p>Volume 12 is dedicated to Gísli A. Víkingsson, our dear colleague and friend that we lost in July 2022, in acknowledgement for his contribution to the work of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee.</p> <p> </p> Fri, 30 Dec 2022 16:27:23 +0100 New volume: Open Call for Papers - Volume 12 "Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic" <p>The call for papers for Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series is now open. We are interested in work from any discipline with relevance for the conservation and management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. Submissions can be in the form of original Research Articles, Literature Reviews, Technical or Policy Notes, or Workshop Reports.</p> <p><strong>Submission, Review &amp; Publication Process</strong></p> <p>Manuscripts can be submitted online, for which at least one author will need to register as a user on this site.</p> <p>The Guidelines for Authors are available <a href="">here</a>. Note that although authors may submit their article in any format they prefer, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, they will need to ensure that it is transferred into the <a href="">NAMMCO Scientific Publications Template</a>. Authors are therefore also welcome to use this template to structure their initial submission.</p> <p>Manuscripts submitted as original Research Articles or Literature Reviews will be sent for blind peer review by at least two reviewers. Manuscripts submitted as Notes are not necessarily sent for peer review but will be reviewed by at least the one of the Editors.</p> <p>If accepted for publication, the manuscript will be published online as soon as it is finalised and authors will therefore not have to wait for the entire volume to be complete before their work is made publicly available.</p> <h4><strong>Deadlines </strong> </h4> <p>The new submission deadline for this open call is <strong><em>December 31<sup>st</sup> 2021</em></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Contact</strong></p> <p>Should you have any questions about the journal, the open call, or the suitability of your work for the volume, you can contact the Series Editor Albert Chacón at <a href=""></a></p> Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:36:33 +0200 Correction: Correction to Estimates of Cetacean Abundance in the North Atlantic of Relevance to NAMMCO Mon, 15 Mar 2021 17:03:24 +0100 New volume: Call for Papers <p>The call for papers for Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series is now open. We are interested in work from any discipline with relevance for the conservation and management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. Submissions can be in the form of original Research Articles, Literature Reviews, Technical or Policy Notes, or Workshop Reports.</p> <p><strong>Submission, Review &amp; Publication Process</strong></p> <p>Manuscripts can be submitted online, for which at least one author will need to register as a user on this site.</p> <p>The Guidelines for Authors are available <a href="">here</a>. Note that although authors may submit their article in any format they prefer, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, they will need to ensure that it is transferred into the <a href="">NAMMCO Scientific Publications Template</a>. Authors are therefore also welcome to use this template to structure their initial submission.</p> <p>Manuscripts submitted as original Research Articles or Literature Reviews will be sent for blind peer review by at least two reviewers. Manuscripts submitted as Notes are not necessarily sent for peer review but will be reviewed by at least the one of the Editors.</p> <p>If accepted for publication, the manuscript will be published online as soon as it is finalised and authors will therefore not have to wait for the entire volume to be complete before their work is made publicly available.</p> <p><strong>Deadlines </strong></p> <p>Submissions for this open call will be accepted between <strong><em>January 1<sup>st</sup> – October 1<sup>st</sup> 2021</em></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Contact</strong></p> <p>Should you have any questions about the journal, the open call, or the suitability of your work for the volume, you can contact the Series Editor Heleen Middel at <a href=""></a></p> Thu, 04 Feb 2021 13:41:05 +0100 Volume finalised: Volume 11 now complete <p>The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (<a href="">NAMMCO</a>) is proud to present Volume 11 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series. <a href=""><em>Sighting Surveys in the North Atlantic: 30 years of counting whales</em></a> is a collection of papers edited by Geneviève Desportes, Rikke Guldborg Hansen and Daniel G. Pike.</p> <p>The North Atlantic Sightings Surveys (NASS) series are one of the largest-scale wildlife surveys ever attempted and the abundance estimates generated from these surveys provide crucial information for the generation of management advice on cetaceans.</p> <p><a href="">Volume 7</a> of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications presented the results of the first 4 NASS (1987, 1989, 1995 and 2001) while <a href="">Volume 11</a> presents analyses from the last 2 NASS (2007 and 2015), as well as the associated Norwegian mosaic surveys (2002–2007, 2008–2013, 2014–2018), and the Canadian High Arctic Cetacean Survey (2013). It provides survey specific results as well as trends of abundance for several species. Its unusual Introduction also takes you right into the heart of what it means to conduct surveys.</p> Thu, 07 Jan 2021 11:38:12 +0100 Volume finalised: Volume 11 <p>The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (<a href="">NAMMCO</a>) is proud to announce the completion of Volume 11 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series. <a href=""><em>Sighting Surveys in the North Atlantic: 30 years of counting whales</em></a> is a collection of papers edited by Geneviève Desportes, Rikke Guldborg Hansen and Daniel G. Pike.</p> <p>The North Atlantic Sightings Surveys (NASS) series are one of the largest-scale wildlife surveys ever attempted and the abundance estimates generated from these surveys provide crucial information for the generation of management advice on cetaceans.</p> <p><a href="">Volume 7</a> of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications presented the results of the first 4 NASS (1987, 1989, 1995 and 2001) while <a href="">Volume 11</a> presents analyses from the last 2 NASS (2007 and 2015), as well as the associated Norwegian mosaic surveys (2002–2007, 2008–2013, 2014–2018), and the Canadian High Arctic Cetacean Survey (2013). It provides survey specific results as well as trends of abundance for several species. Its unusual Introduction also takes you right into the heart of what it means to conduct surveys.</p> Thu, 07 Jan 2021 11:34:56 +0100 Correction: Correction to Stewart et al. (2014) Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:52:55 +0200 Correction: Corrigendum Mon, 06 Jan 2020 13:58:45 +0100 New publication: New publication in Volume 11 <p><em>Estimates of the abundance of cetaceans in the central North Atlantic based on the NASS Icelandic and Faroese shipboard surveys conducted in 2015</em> is the third article in NAMMCO Scientific Publications Volume 11: Sightings Surveys in the North Atlantic: 30 years of counting whales. The authors are Daniel G. Pike, Thorvaldur Gunnlaugsson, Bjarni Mikkelsen, Sverrir D. Halldórsson and Gísli Víkingsson.<br><br><a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br>The North Atlantic Sightings Survey (NASS), the sixth in a series of surveys conducted between 1987 and 2015, was conducted in June/July 2015 and covered a large area of the northern North Atlantic. The Icelandic and Faroese ship survey component of the NASS covered the area between the Faroe Islands and East Greenland from latitude 52° to 72° N. The survey used 3 vessels and an independent double-platform configuration with each platform staffed by a minimum of 2 observers. Here we present both uncorrected abundance estimates derived using Multiple Covariates Distance Sampling, and corrected abundance estimates derived using Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling, for the following species: fin (<em>Balaenoptera physalus</em>), common minke (<em>B. acutorstrata</em>), humpback (<em>Megaptera novaeangliae</em>), blue (<em>B. musculus</em>), sei (<em>B. borealis</em>), sperm (<em>Physeter macrocephalus</em>), long-finned pilot (<em>Globicephala melas</em>) and northern bottlenose (<em>Hyperoodon ampullatus</em>) whales as well as white-beaked (<em>Lagenorhynchus albirostris</em>) and white-sided (<em>L. acutus</em>) dolphins. We then compare these estimates to those from previous NASS and put them into context with estimates from adjoining areas of the North Atlantic.</p> Mon, 16 Sep 2019 15:06:32 +0200 News: Manuscript template Thu, 01 Aug 2019 14:45:20 +0200 New publication: New publication in Volume 11 Wed, 15 May 2019 11:40:15 +0200 The first article in Volume 11 is now available Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0100 Volume 10: Age estimation of marine mammals with a focus on monodontids is now completed Fri, 31 Aug 2018 10:12:05 +0200 Final versions of papers in Volume 9: Walrus of the North Atlantic Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +0100