The C in ORCID: from authorship to contributorship




contributorship, open research, research infrastructure



ORCID is part of the wider digital infrastructure needed for all those who participate in research, scholarship and innovation to share information on a global scale. As part of our commitment with openness, we enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and activities by providing an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research.

Since its foundation in 2013, ORCID has aimed to enable and improve recognition for a broader range of contributions than textual publications. Its current worktype list includes  43 different types of contributions. In combination with acknowledging further contributions, ORCID also considers research resources (infrastructure, collection, equipment and service) to provide a better understanding of the impact of the work undertaken by researchers using them.

This webinar will explore how ORCID supports the creation of a permanent, and unambiguous record of research and scholarly communication by enabling reliable attribution of contributors and their activities. The session will focus on the development and current implementation of ORCID tools to acknowledge and encourage contributions such as preprints and peer review activities, as well as the work being done to support contributor roles (CRediT taxonomy). 


The session will also showcase an analysis of the current community adoption of these features and aims to trigger a discussion on the future of the scholarly record.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Mejias, ORCID

Gabriela Mejias has a degree in Social Communication from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). She is responsible for developing the community adoption of ORCID in Europe, Middle  East and Africa.  She works with consortia and institutional members as they build applications and services based on ORCID tools and engages with the wider community to raise awareness on ORCID and other PIDs. She is a member of the Society for Scholarly Communication (SSP).

Paloma Marín-Arraiza, ORCID

Paloma Marín-Arraiza holds a degree in Physics (EQN Level 7) and a Master´s degree in Scientific Information and Communication from the University of Granada (Spain). She got her PhD in Information Science from São Paulo State University (Brazil). Paloma supports ORCID members and consortia in Europe to develop new and existing integrations and workflows and to promote ORCID adoption. Before joining ORCID, she worked in research libraries in Germany and Austria. She is a member of the DataCite Community Engagement Steering Group.




How to Cite

Mejias, G., & Marín-Arraiza, P. (2020). The C in ORCID: from authorship to contributorship. Septentrio Conference Series, (4).