Vol. 9 (2020): Adam Oehlenschläger: Biergtrolden (1803 / 1861)

					View Vol. 9 (2020): Adam Oehlenschläger: Biergtrolden (1803 / 1861)

The ninth volume in the series derives from an MA course in Scandinavian literature entitled ‘Dem Polarlicht auf der Spur. Wissenschaftshistorische und kulturwissen­schaftliche Erkundigungen’, given by Marie-Theres Federhofer at Humboldt University Berlin in 2019. In her introduction, MA student Laura Massini Nielsen analyses the role of the aurora borealis in Biergtrolden (The Mountain Troll), the very first poem of the seminal debut collection of Digte (Poems) by the Danish Romantic author Adam Oehlenschläger. As a supplement, a prose translation of the poem is included.

Published: 2020-02-29


