Consistent and accurate estimation of stellar parameters from HARPS-N Spectroscopy using Deep Learning




Deep Learning, Spectrography, Stellar parameters, Attention


Consistent and accurate estimation of stellar parameters is of great importance for information retrieval in astrophysical research. The parameters span a wide range from effective temperature to rotational velocity. We propose to estimate the stellar parameters directly from spectral signals coming from the HARPS-N spectrograph pipeline before any spectrum-processing steps are applied to extract the 1D spectrum. We propose an attention-based model to estimate the stellar parameters, which estimate both mean and uncertainty of the stellar parameters through estimation of the parameters of a Gaussian distribution. The estimated distributions create a basis to generate data-driven Gaussian confidence intervals for the estimated stellar parameters. We show that residual networks and attention-based models can estimate the stellar parameters with high accuracy for low Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to previous methods. With an observation of the Sun from the HARPS-N spectrograph, we show that the models can estimate stellar parameters from real observational data.


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