Forecasting Aquaponic Systems Behaviour With Recurrent Neural Networks Models
Recurrent Neural Network, Long Short-term Memory, Gated Recurrent Unit, Data-driven Modelling, AquaponicsAbstract
Aquaponic systems provide a reliable solution to grow vegetables while cultivating fish (or other aquatic organisms) in a controlled environment. The main advantage of these systems compared with traditional soil-based agriculture and aquaculture installations is the ability to produce fish and vegetables with low water consumption. Aquaponics requires a robust control system capable of optimizing fish and plant growth while ensuring a safe operation. To support the control system, this work explores the design process of Deep Learning models based on Recurrent Neural Networks to forecast one hour of pH values in small-scale industrial Aquaponics. This implementation guides us through the machine learning life-cycle with industrial time-series data, i.e. data acquisition, pre-processing, feature engineering, architecture selection, training, and model verification.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Juan Cardenas-Cartagena, Mohamed Elnourani, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano
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