Self-Communicating Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents Develop External Number Representations
deep learning, reinforcement learning, self-communication, neural networks, numerical cognition, mathematical cognition, external representationsAbstract
Symbolic numbers are a remarkable product of human cultural development. The developmental process involved the creation and progressive refinement of material representational tools, such as notched tallies, knotted strings, and counting boards. In this paper, we introduce a computational framework that allows the investigation of how material representations might support number processing in a deep reinforcement learning scenario. In this framework, agents can use an external, discrete state to communicate information to solve a simple numerical estimation task. We find that different perceptual and processing constraints result in different emergent representations, whose specific characteristics can facilitate the learning and communication of numbers.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Silvester Sabathiel, Trygve Solstad, Alberto Testolin, Flavio Petruzzellis

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