Multi-modal data generation with a deep metric variational autoencoder
deep metric learning, variational autoencoder, generative modelling, otoscopy, wideband tympanometry, otitis mediaAbstract
We present a deep metric variational autoencoder for multi-modal data generation. The variational autoencoder employs triplet loss in the latent space, which allows for conditional data generation by sampling new embeddings in the latent space within each class cluster. The approach is evaluated on a multi-modal dataset consisting of otoscopy images of the tympanic membrane with corresponding wideband tympanometry measurements. The modalities in this dataset are correlated, as they represent different aspects of the state of the middle ear, but they do not present a direct pixel-to-pixel correlation. The approach shows promising results for the conditional generation of pairs of images and tympanograms, and will allow for efficient data augmentation of data from multi-modal sources.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Josefine Vilsbøll Sundgaard, Morten Rieger Hannemose, Søren Laugesen, Peter Bray, James Harte, Yosuke Kamide, Chiemi Tanaka, Rasmus R. Paulsen, Anders Nymark Christensen

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