Learning to solve arithmetic problems with a virtual abacus
deep reinforcement learning, mathematical cognition, embodied cognition, tool use, algorithmic reasoningAbstract
Acquiring mathematical skills is considered a key challenge for modern Artificial Intelligence systems. Inspired by the way humans discover numerical knowledge, here we introduce a deep reinforcement learning framework that allows to simulate how cognitive agents could gradually learn to solve arithmetic problems by interacting with a virtual abacus. The proposed model successfully learn to perform multi-digit additions and subtractions, achieving an error rate below 1% even when operands are much longer than those observed during training. We also compare the performance of learning agents receiving a different amount of explicit supervision, and we analyze the most common error patterns to better understand the limitations and biases resulting from our design choices.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Flavio Petruzzellis, Ling Xuan Chen, Alberto Testolin

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