A comparison between Tsetlin machines and deep neural networks in the context of recommendation systems
Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Recommendation Systems, Tsetlin Machines, Interpretability, ExplainabilityAbstract
Recommendation Systems (RSs) are ubiquitous in modern society and are one of the largest points of interaction between humans and AI. Modern RSs are often implemented using deep learning models, which are infamously difficult to interpret. This problem is particularly exasperated in the context of recommendation scenarios, as it erodes the user's trust in the RS. In contrast, the newly introduced Tsetlin Machines (TM) possess some valuable properties due to their inherent interpretability. TMs are still fairly young as a technology. As no RS has been developed for TMs before, it has become necessary to perform some preliminary research regarding the practicality of such a system. In this paper, we develop the first RS based on TMs to evaluate its practicality in this application domain. This paper compares the viability of TMs with other machine learning models prevalent in the field of RS. We train and investigate the performance of the TM compared with a vanilla feed-forward deep learning model. These comparisons are based on model performance, interpretability/explainability, and scalability. Further, we provide some benchmark performance comparisons to similar machine learning solutions relevant to RSs.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Karl Audun Kagnes Borgersen, Morten Goodwin, Jivitesh Sharma

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