Improving Research Impact




academic publications, altmetric, education, journals, library, metrics, Open Access, Open Science, scholarly publishing, science, Tromsø, UiT, vitenskap


How can your research impact others outside academia and how do you measure it? In this episode, we discuss the topic of Research Impact – and how to improve it. Our Guest is Guus van den Brekel, medical Information specialist at the University Medical Center at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands. The host of the podcast is Erik Lieungh.

This episode was first published 25 February 2019.

Author Biographies

Guus van den Brekel, University of Groningen

Guus van den Brekel is a medical Information Specialist at the University Medical Center at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

Erik Lieungh, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Erik Lieungh is a digital adviser at the University Library and the host and editor of Open Science Talk.



How to Cite

van den Brekel, G., & Lieungh, E. (2020). Improving Research Impact. Open Science Talk, (14).