Norway made a new deal with Elsevier
academics, business, journals, knowledge, library, Norway, Open Access, Open Science, publications, publishing, scholarly publishing, Elsevier, Tromsø, UiTAbstract
In 2019 Norway decided not to renew their deal with the Dutch publisher Elsevier. The reasons were clear: there was no real transition towards Open Access. Now, a new deal has been signed with the same publisher, and the deal is worth around 9-10 million euros. But the question is: What kind of a deal has been made this time around?
The new deal is said to be a trial deal, and the pilot will run for two years. It will be giving seven universities and 39 research institutions across Norway access to Elsevier’s world-leading platform for scientific knowledge with more than 16 million publications from over 2,500 journals published by Elsevier and its society partners. It also enables Norwegian researchers to publish their research Open Access.
Our guest today is Mona Magnussen, the Head of the Department of Collections at the University Library at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The host of the program is Erik Lieungh.
This episode was first published 29 April 2019.