Archives - Page 2

  • Laura Janda; Radovan Bast

    No. 33 (2020)

    In this episode, we are discussing SMARTool (Strategic Mastery of Russian Tool), a free-to-use online resource for learners of the Russian language. Professor of Russian Laura Janda explains the pedagogical principles behind the tool and plans for future expansions, whereas IT engineer Radovan Bast shares his views on how the choice of sharing the code openly on GitHub serves the needs of the wider community of programmers as well as language learners.

    First published online March 13, 2020.

  • A Student's Perspective
    No. 32 (2020)

    In this episode, we are exploring a student's perspective on Open Science – and specifically replication studies. Kristoffer Klevjer recently finished his Master’s degree in psychology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and has now taken on a PhD. But already as a Master student, Klevjer was involved in replication studies. In his experience, replication studies can be beneficial to the student, the supervisor, and the scientific community at large. Furthermore, Klevjer argues that replications can be well suited for students at Bachelor level as well.

    First published online March 9, 2020.

  • Teaching Open Science
    No. 31 (2020)

    In this episode, we are discussing how to teach open science to PhD students. Helene N. Andreassen, head of Library Teaching and Learning Support at the University Library of UiT the Arctic University of Norway shares her experiences with the integration of open science in a special, tailor-made course for PhD's that have just started their project.

    First published online February 26, 2020.

  • Life Without a Journal Deal
    No. 30 (2020)

    In this episode, we are talking about what it is like to live without the larger journal deals. In 2018, Sweden announced that they terminated their previous agreement with Elsevier, and was without a deal until the start of 2020. We want to know how the library and researchers managed without, what they did, and how they feel about the new deal they have made?
    Our guest today is Cecilia Heyman Widmark, she is a Librarian working with Open Access and publishing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

    First published online February 5, 2020.

  • History of Publications: Mission or Money?
    No. 29 (2020)

    What is the historical relationship between publishing, money-making and scholarly mission? And what can we learn from our own history?

    We explore the past with our guest Aileen Fyfe. She is a historian of science, technology and publishing, and Professor of Modern History at the University of St Andrews.

    First published online January 27, 2020.

  • Open Code and Peer Review
    No. 28 (2020)

    In this episode, we are talking about “open code” or “open source” and the benefits of making your code available in a peer review process and having it checked.

    Our guest is Dr. Stephen Eglen from the department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge.

    First published online January 20, 2020.

  • Publishing Open Access Monographs
    No. 27 (2020)

    What is it like to be a small publisher of Open Access Monographs? In this episode, we talk to Lucy Barnes, who is the editor and project coordinator at Open Book Publishers.

    She gives us some insight into what’s important for Open Book Publishers, the leading open access book publisher in the HSS in the UK and a founder member of the ScholarLed group and the COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)  project.

    First published online January 9, 2020.

  • How to make Music Research Open?
    No. 26 (2019)

    In this episode, we are talking about Music Research, and how it is to practice open research within this field.

    Our guest today is Alexander Jensenius,  associate Professor at the Department of Musicology – Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion (IMV) at the University of Oslo.

    First published online December 27, 2019.

  • Democratizing Health Research
    No. 25 (2019)

    Is it fair that researchers and policymakers in low-income countries have to pay to read new research on diseases they treat?

    In this episode, our guest is Robert Terry from the World Health Organization’s Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), where he works as a manager of research policy.

    First published online December 16, 2019.

  • Open Access in Latin America
    No. 24 (2019)

    Are there other ways of making Open Access work other than the APC-based model we are used to in Europe and North America?  Sure there are. In this episode, Dr. Arianna Becerril-García talks about the state of Open Access in Latin America.

    First published online December 9, 2019.

  • Sweden made a new deal
    No. 23 (2019)

    Sweden has made a new deal with the publisher Elsevier. In 2018 the Bibsam Consortium in Sweden canceled their agreement with the publisher Elsevier. The reason for this was not seeing a transition from subscription-based publishing to open access publishing.

    Sweden wanted immediate open access to all articles published by Swedish researchers, reading access to all articles in Elsevier and a sustainable price model.

    However, in late November of 2019, they made a new agreement with the publisher.

    In this episode of Open Science Talk, we talk to the Library Director of Stockholm University, Wilhelm Widmark, who has also been a part of the negotiation team.

    First published online December 3, 2019.

  • Publishing in the Global South
    No. 22 (2019)

    During our annual Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, we had the chance to talk to Samir Hachani, ph.d. and lecturer at the School of Information at the University of Algiers 2.

    He was in Norway to talk about The Global South and the challenges of assessment and the implementation by The International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) of a journal publishing practices and standards known as the Journals On Line-project.

    First published online November 26, 2019.

  • Should you write on Wikipedia?
    No. 21 (2019)

    So what should we make of Wikipedia?  We all know that as a student you should be careful about using Wikipedia as a cited source. There is no guarantee that the information is correct. However, there is no denying that most of us use Wikipedia on a regular basis: When looking up stats on your favorite football player, reading up on your next vacation spot, yes even learning the basics of a field you didn’t study.

    In many ways it is brilliant, and there are good reasons why it is one of the most used webpages on the internet.

    But the question is: Should academics spend their time contributing to Wikipedia?

    First published online September 25, 2019.

  • Witchcraft and Open Science
    No. 20 (2019)

    Can you combine the history of early modern witchcraft studies with open science? Sure!

    In this episode of Open Science Talk, historian Rune Blix Hagen explains how. At the end of his career, he digitalized his research data at the library for others to use.

    First published online July 31, 2019.

  • Open Science & PhD Candidates
    No. 19 (2019)

    How can you inform Ph.D. Candidates and early career researchers about Open Science without becoming too political? Is information given about open science in conflict with the expectations for publishing from our universities?

    Torstein Låg, psychologist and senior academic librarian at the University Library at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, weighs in on this topic.

    First published online May 29, 2019.

  • Preregistration in Science
    No. 18 (2019)

    Why is it important to preregister research studies? According to associate professor Matthias Mittner, at the research group for cognitive neurosciences at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, there are good reasons for doing this:

    1. You can get good feedback from reviewers on an early stage.
    2. You get a time stamp on your idea.
    3. The result is more trustworthy, and you avoid data dredging,  like p-fishing, or post hoc storytelling/HARKing (hypothesizing after the results are known).
    4. You also increase the credibility of the reports you produce.

    First published online May 9, 2019.

  • Norway made a new deal with Elsevier
    No. 17 (2019)

    In 2019 Norway decided not to renew their deal with the Dutch publisher Elsevier. The reasons were clear: there was no real transition towards Open Access.

    Now, a new deal has been signed with the same publisher, and the deal is worth around 9-10 million euros. But the question is: What kind of a deal has been made this time around?

    First published online April 29, 2019.

  • Replication Studies & Open Science
    No. 16 (2019)

    You might have heard of the reproducibility crisis/replication crisis in some parts of science. But what exactly is it, and how can new replication studies benefit from Open Science?

    Our guest in this episode is Gerit Pfuhl, associate professor in psychology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

    First published online March 28, 2019.

  • No Deal with Norway
    No. 15 (2019)

    Norwegian research institutions have decided not to renew their agreement with Elsevier.

    The agreement with the publisher Elsevier expired at the end of 2018. Negotiations have been underway for more than six months between Unit (department for IT and collective services for higher education and research) and the Dutch publisher, without reaching a new agreement.

    First published online March 15, 2019.

  • Improving Research Impact
    No. 14 (2019)

    How can your research impact others outside academia and how do you measure it? In this episode, we discuss the topic of Research Impact and ways to improve it. Should you use social media as a tool to get more attention, and what are good practices if you do use social media?

    First published online February 25, 2019.

  • The History of Scholarly Publishing
    No. 13 (2019)

    What can we learn from history?

    In this episode, we talk about the history of scholarly publishing and relate it to today’s Open Science debate.

    Historian, philologist and senior academic librarian, Per Pippin Aspaas, takes us through some historical developments of scholarly publishing and his views on Open Science today.

    First published online January 31, 2019


  • Wiley on Open Science and Plan S
    No. 12 (2019)

    What is it like being a global publisher in a world where the demand for Open Science and Open Access is growing?

    In this episode, we talk to one of the big ones – the global publishing company Wiley. Wiley is a company with over 5000 employees that specializes in academic publishing.

    First published online January 10, 2019.

  • The Future of Open Science
    No. 11 (2018)

    What does the Future of Open Science look like? The topic of this episode is the future of Open Science, and what it is like to be an outspoken critic of the current publishing system. Our guest is Jon Tennant, paleontologist, independent researcher and the founder of Open Science MOOC.

    First published online December 21, 2018.

  • Being an Open Access Publisher
    No. 10 (2018)

    What is it like to run a company that only publish Open Access Peer Reviewed Journals?

    In this episode of the Podcast Open Science Talk, CEO of Hindawi Publishing, Paul Peters joins us. Hindawi is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals.

    First published online December 13, 2018.

  • Bad Science
    No. 9 (2018)

    In this episode of Open Science Talk we are joined by the founder of the campaign #bulliedintobadscience, Corina Logan.

    First published online December 3, 2018.

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