Everyday life in wartime Arkhangelsk: The problem of starvation and death during the Second World War (1939–1945)


  • Elizaveta Khatanzeiskaya Northern Arctic Federal University and the Museum of wooden architecture «Malye Korely»




The article «Everyday Life in Wartime Arkhangelsk: The Problem of Starvation and Death during the Second World War (1939–1945)» is based on primary sources: interviews with eyewitnesses, memoirs, materials of press, diaries and archival documents. During the Second World War more than 40 thousand civilians died in Arkhangelsk (one fourth of its prewar population) because of starvation. This paper is an attempt to explain this phenomenon. 


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Author Biography

Elizaveta Khatanzeiskaya, Northern Arctic Federal University and the Museum of wooden architecture «Malye Korely»

Historian, postgraduate student of the Northern Arctic Federal University, scientific researcher at the Museum of wooden architecture «Malye Korely», researcher of Russian Northern Culture (Arkhangelsk).

Scientific interests: history of Second World War, history of everyday life, history of mentality, history of Russian North culture. She has published 10 scientific articles devoted to the problems of Second World War.




How to Cite

Khatanzeiskaya, E. (2015). Everyday life in wartime Arkhangelsk: The problem of starvation and death during the Second World War (1939–1945). Septentrio Conference Series, (4). https://doi.org/10.7557/5.3630