Do open journals get cited more in government policy?




policy, impact, citation advantage, think tanks, grey literature, research assessment


See RECORDING (starts at 00:21:34).

There's a clear - if not completely understood - download and citation advantage for open access articles. We investigate whether or not this holds true for citations outside of the scholarly literature, specifically for references to scholarly work in government white papers, guidelines and other policy documents. Does making an article more available mean that it's more likely to have a policy impact?

We follow up with a list of strategies different journals and publishers have adopted to make sure that the research they publish reach the right policymakers at the right time, as well as a brief discussion on the role of preprints and review articles.


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Author Biography

Euan Adie, Open Policy

Originally a computational biologist, Euan left the lab in 2005 to join Nature Publishing Group where he worked as a product manager for new web initiatives including social bookmarking site Connotea, article commenting and Nature Protocols. In 2010 he founded, the altmetrics metrics provider, which is now part of Digital Science. He currently runs Overton, an abstract and indexing database for government policy documents.




How to Cite

Adie, E. (2020). Do open journals get cited more in government policy?. Septentrio Conference Series, (4).