What if being or becoming information literate were an adventure?





Information literacy, psychology, motivation



What if we allowed ourselves to rethink what becoming information literate is about, or can be? In this talk, I will take us along paths of thought that allow us to re-imagine what it might mean to become an information literate person. I will draw from my base in several psychological research traditions and years of experience designing curricula and hands-on teaching in both traditional and non-traditional learning environments. I invite you to join me in thinking about how we might build on what you already do well in IL education by entertaining one simple question: What if being or becoming information literate were an adventure? Where might that take us?


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Author Biography

Tove I. Dahl, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Tove I. Dahl is an educational psychologist at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Her main areas of study touch on learning, motivation, language and culture — all fields involving research that helps us understand learning as a way of being and becoming our best, for ourselves and for others.  Dahl tends to work eclectically, seeking synergies from disparate places to identify new mechanisms for better learning.  Though she integrates what she learns into higher education practices, she has also contextualized her work in the fields of peace education, tourism, adventure and now even information literacy. In addition to her university work, Dahl also leads a summer youth program in the US for the Concordia Language Villages whose educational mission is to inspire courageous global citizens. Her most recent research focuses on the nature of interest and courage.



How to Cite

Dahl, T. I. . (2021). What if being or becoming information literate were an adventure?. Septentrio Conference Series, (2). https://doi.org/10.7557/5.5879


