Publishing accessible content on OJS and beyond




content accessibility, open journal systems, editor resources



Open Journal Systems (OJS) was released in 2001 and has since become the most widely used open-source journal publishing platform in existence, with over 25,000 journals using it worldwide. Over the past few years, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), its creator, has been working on improving accessibility of the platform, including the release of the first accessible Default theme in OJS 3.3. This presentation will go over the accessibility improvements made to day and those planned ahead.

Making the platform accessible is only half the battle however as it is often the published content that presents barriers to readers. Creating resources for editors and authors to improve content accessibility – in OJS and beyond – is one of the goals of the PKP Accessibility Interest Group (AIG), a community initiative established in 2020. We will highlight the work of the group and the resources it makes available to the public. This overview is presented on behalf of the PKP AIG.


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Author Biography

Mariya Maistrovskaya, University of Toronto Libraries

Mariya Maistrovskaya is a Digital Publishing Librarian at the University of Toronto Libraries. She manages U of T’s DSpace-based research repository and an OJS-based journal hosting service. Her passion for open access and accessibility in scholarly communications and involvement in the PKP community gave rise to the PKP Accessibility Interest Group (AIG), a community initiative dedicated to education and advocacy for accessibility in PKP software. 



2021-10-18 — Updated on 2021-11-08


How to Cite

Maistrovskaya, M. (2021). Publishing accessible content on OJS and beyond. Septentrio Conference Series, (4). (Original work published October 18, 2021)