Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication

Main findings and future challenges




Multilingualism, translation platform;, academic publishing;, scholarly communication



The results of the study and the survey conducted on behalf of the OPERAS-P project (Task Innovative Models of Bibliodiversity in Scholarly Publications”) were concluded in June 2021 and sought to achieve the following objectives:

  • to prepare a theoretical background to discuss the use of multilingualism in scholarly communication;
  • to identify, analyse, and understand the innovative dynamics of working practices and knowledge-sharing within linguistically diverse scholarly contexts and research networks;
  • to identify and analyse the motivations behind these practices (questionnaires/focus groups – how tools may answer to needs);
  • to formulate recommendations/guidelines for OPERAS and other stakeholders regarding the future implementation of a service aimed at enhancing multilingualism;
  • to prepare the conceptual design of a platform prototype for a shared translation service at the scholarly communication level (involving publishers, translators, and researchers).

This presentation approaches the most important stages of the work done, as well as the main findings and the challenges they pose for future developments and their implementation.


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Author Biography

Delfim Leão, University of Coimbra

Full Professor at the Institute of Classical Studies and researcher at the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies at the University of Coimbra, D.F. Leão is currently Vice-Rector for Culture and Open Science at Coimbra University. His main areas of scientific interest are ancient history, law and political theory of the Greeks, theatrical pragmatics, and the ancient novel.

He has a long-lasting interest in Digital Humanities and Scholarly Communication, and for more than a decade has been involved in projects and actions directly aiming at the promotion of Open Science in Scholarly Communication:

  • responsible for the development of two digital platforms: the Classica Digitalia (since 2008) and the UC Digitalis (since 2011);
  • former President of the Portuguese Association of Higher Education Presses – APEES (2011-2014), and Director of Coimbra University Press (2011-2021);
  • Portuguese representative (since 2017) at the Core Group of the consortium OPERAS – Open Scholarly Communication in the European Research Area for Social Sciences and Humanities;
  • Member of the International Advisory Committee of REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (since January 2020);
  • Member of the UNESCO’s Advisory Committee on Open Science, as a representative of Group I (Western European and North American States) (since July 2020).
  • Representative of Coimbra University as member of EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) Association ( (since November 2020)
  • Coordinator (out of 4) of the EOSC Association Task Force on “Research Careers, Recognition and Credit” (since May 2021)



2021-10-18 — Updated on 2021-11-04


How to Cite

Leão, D. (2021). Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication: Main findings and future challenges. Septentrio Conference Series, (4). (Original work published October 18, 2021)