This is an outdated version published on 2021-10-18. Read the most recent version.

Enabling smaller independent publishers to participate in Open Access transformative arrangements




Open Access, Transformative Agreements, Model Lincense, Workflows



Independent Society Publishers and Academic Publishers would like to enable Open Access transformative agreements, but find it difficult to do this at scale, especially when each library consortia requires different licence agreements, data and workflows. This project is to create shared principles, a model licence, a data template and minimum workflows, so that small publishers, libraries and library consortia can then use them to more easily conclude Open Access agreements.


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Author Biography

Lorraine Estelle, Information Power

Lorraine Estelle is creative with experience in the development of new business models, collaborative library services, and information standards. She developed the first models to demonstrate the total cost of publication including APC costs for UK academic institutions and led the first national negotiations to successfully agree offset models to alleviate the cost faced by higher education institutions in maintaining subscriptions to hybrid journals while also paying APC charges. Through her role in COUNTER she is experienced with working collaboratively with different types of publishers societies and their professional associations in reaching consensus. Lorraine is also co-editor of the open access journal Insights: the UKSG journal.





How to Cite

Estelle, L. (2021). Enabling smaller independent publishers to participate in Open Access transformative arrangements. Septentrio Conference Series, (4).