Connecting the building blocks of Open Science: an ecological approach




open science, community, assessment, infrastructures, knowledge


Open Science covers a large panel of activities aimed at making research more transparent and collaborative. Several definitions provide lists of different components of open science, which creates the need to imagine how to connect these components together. However, the necessary work to interconnect open science services and tools must be completed by a holistic approach that considers open science as an ecosystem producing a “milieu” of knowledge and supported by a vibrant community gathered around shared values. It leads to an ecological approach of open science where the web of interactions within the ecosystem defines its elements rather than the opposite.


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Author Biography

Pierre Mounier, EHESS

Pierre Mounier is co-coordinator of OPERAS Research Infrastructure with Suzanne Dumouchel. Pierre supports cooperation between OPERAS members and contributes to the strategic roadmap of the infrastructure. He is trained in classical studies and social anthropology. Pierre is affiliated to the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS); he is deputy director of OpenEdition, the French national infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the SSH, and co-director of the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) with Niels Stern. He regularly publishes on digital humanities and open science topics, and more largely on the social and political impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).


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How to Cite

Mounier, P. (2022). Connecting the building blocks of Open Science: an ecological approach. Septentrio Conference Series, (1).