Exploring the Arctic deep-sea by color filters


  • Vibeke Os UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Heike Jane Zimmermann
  • Giuliana Panieri UiT The Arctic University of Norway https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9411-1729
  • Giuliano Giuliano Bertolotto Bianc University of Turin





To get to know some of the creatures in the deep-sea that use color and the lack of light to camouflage themselves.

Learning objectives:

With these TWO activities, we use vision to explore life forms in the deep sea which have adapted to extreme conditions. Through the activities, the pupils will also become familiar with some organisms well-hidden at the bottom of the ocean.

Key words:

Camouflage strategies, Deep sea ocean, Physical effects of light, Characteristics of sea lifeforms



How to Cite

Os, V., Zimmermann, H. J., Panieri, G., & Giuliano Bertolotto Bianc, G. (2023). Exploring the Arctic deep-sea by color filters. Septentrio Educational, (2), 15–25. https://doi.org/10.7557/8.7217