Editorial Team
- Kristine Jørgensen, University of Bergen, Norway
- Holger Pötzsch, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Final decisions regarding acceptance and plublication of manuscripts are taken by the editors-in-chief. In case of disagreement, the editorial team will make the decision in a simple majority vote. In case of a tie the paper is rejected.
Editorial team:
- Dom Ford, University of Bremen, Germany (copy and layout editor)
- Joleen Blom, Tampere University, Finland (book and game review editor)
- Martin Lüthe, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (copy and layout editor)
- Agata Waszkiewicz, JP2 Catholic University of Lublin, Poland (contact point for special issues and special sections)
- Zoheb Mashiur, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway (copy and layout editor)
- Arne Schröder, University of Bochum, Germany (technical advisor)
Advisory board:
- Astrid Ensslin, University of Regensburg, Germany
- Nick Taylor, York University, CA, USA
- Jessica Enevold Duncan, Lund University, Sweden
- Jamie Woodcock, University of Essex, UK
- Sonia Fizek, University of Cologne, Germany
- Philip Hammond, London South Bank University (emeritus), UK
- Sarah Stang, Brock University, Canada
- Lars de Wildt, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- Melania Borit, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
- Hans-Joachim Backe, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Adrienne Shaw, Temple University, USA
- Souvik Mukherjee, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, India
- Kelly Boudreau, Harrisburg University of Science & Technology, USA
- Jaroslav Švelch, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Mia Consalvo, Concordia University, Canada
- Victor Navarro-Remesal, Tecnocampus de Mataro, Spain
- Natalie Berner, TU Chemnitz, Germany
- Jan-Noël Thon, University of Osnabrück, Germany
- Bo Ruberg, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Soraya Murray, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
- Clara Fernandez-Vara, New York University, USA
Former editors:
- Sören Schoppmeier, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- Arne Schröder, Editor 2014-2021; University of Bochum, Germany
- Andreas Sudmann, Founder and editor-in-chief, 2007-2011; editor 2020-2022; University of Bochum, Germany
- Mia Consalvo, Editor 2007-2014; MIT, USA
- Konstantin Mitgutsch, Editor 2007-2014; University of Vienna, Austria
- Randall James Nichols, Editor 2007-2014; Bentley University, USA
- Martin Pichlmair, Editor 2007-2012; Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Peter Purgathofer, Editor 2007-2014; Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Doris C. Rusch, Editor 2007-2014; Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, Singapore
- Gareth Schott, Editor 2007-2014; University of Waikato, NZ
- Ralf Stockmann, Layout Editor 2007-2012; University and State Library Goettingen, Germany
- Emma Westecott, Editor 2007-2014; University of Wales, Newport, UK