Information For Authors
Note on review processes
Eludamos publishes original research only. Prior to possible publication, each submitted manuscript is assessed by at least two independent experts in a thorough double-blind peer review process.
We aim at a speedy and reliable processing of each submitted manuscript. Usually, time from manuscript submission to reception of peer-review reports should not exceed three months. Our reviewers subscribe to COPE's ethical guidelines for responsible peer-reviewing.
We accept original articles of up to 9,000 words (excluding references, including notes & tables).
Reviews and invited commentaries should not exceed 3,000 words (excluding references). Please note that Eludamos does not accept unsolicited reviews. If you have an idea for work you want to review, please contact our review editor and explain in an email why the work is important and how it corresponds to the overall scope of our journal.
All submissions need to be fully formatted in accordance with Eludamos guidelines. You can find the Eludamos styleguide here. Manuscripts without proper formatting will be returned to the author(s).
Manuscripts published with Eludamos are open access in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Manuscript submission
Before submitting your manuscript for consideration at Eludamos, please make sure you have completed the following steps:
- Confirm that your manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication with any other publisher.
- Confirm that your manuscript has been fully anonymized.
- Confirm that your manuscript follows the Eludamos styleguide. Manuscripts that are not correctly formatted may be returned to the authors.
- Confirm that your manuscript has been proofread carefully.
- Confirm that you have acquired the necessary rights and permissions to publish all copyrighted material included in your manuscript.
- Confirm that you followed all applicable ethical rules and guidelines when acquiring and processing your research data.
- Name any funding sources that have contributed to your research.
- State potential conflicts of interest.
- Confirm that your article closely adheres to the Septentrio Accessibility Guidelines
When submitting your manuscript, please create:
- A title page with author info (incl. names, titles, affiliations, and full contact details), manuscript title, abstract and up to 8 keywords.
- A fully anonymized main document containing the complete article.
Please submit your manuscript in MS Word, RTF, or ODT format.
We ask our authors to follow COPE's international standards for responsible research publication available via the COPE website.
Please note our definition of authorship and ensure all co-authors adhere to these criteria.
Submit your manuscript using the online submission system.
OA policy
From 2022, articles published with Eludamos are open access in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Authors retain copyright to their articles.
Eludamos is included in the PKP Private LOCKSS Network and indexed at Scopus, ERIH PLUS, and the DOAJ. The journal is a member of the Radical Open Access Collective (ROAC).
AI policy
- Eludamos does not accept manuscript that use chatbots as co-authors. The reason for this is that LLMs do not satisfy our authorship criteria as they cannot bear responsibility for the accuracy, integrity, and originality of the content they generate.
- Eludamos does not accept manuscripts that use chatbots as sources. The reason for this is that content generated by LLMs is not reproducible or traceable and can accidentally contain third-party material without identifying it as such.
- Eludamos does accept manuscripts that use chatbots as tools supporting research and writing processes (scaffolding). Acceptable purposes include research design, the formulation of RQa, proofreading, feedback on structure and style, general brainstorming, translations, data analyses, data visualization, and coding. Authors who use generative technologies in this manner need to acknowledge this at relevant locations in their manuscripts. This can be done in the following manner:
- For general scaffolding such as brainstorming, feedback on structure and style, research design, or proofreading, please add an acknowledgement at the end of your manuscript that contains information about the type of language model or other tool you employed as well as when and how you used it.
- For translations, please add a footnote to the part translated that contains information on the type of language model (or other machine translator) you employed, the prompt(s) you used, the date, and the original version of the text.
- Using LLMs for data analysis and coding purposes constitutes a significant methodological intervention. In such cases, please add a part to the methods section of your manuscript where you explain how you proceeded including the type of language model you employed, the prompt(s) you used (excluding the material to be coded or analyzed), the date, and a link to the dataset.
- When using chatbots for data analysis: Please keep in mind that most generative LLMs that are freely available do not adhere to accepted standards for the handling of personal or sensitive data. Make sure you only use models that have been approved by your research institution or other reliable bodies.
4. Before using LLMs or other generative technologies, please consider the ecological and human costs connected to these applications.
5. Eludamos does not use LLMs or other generative technologies for assessing incoming manuscripts. However, we check for possible plagiarism using the turnitin cross-reference tool.