The Future is (Still) Open (and Growing)

An Update on the Global PKP Community and the Development of Open Source Publishing Software



Multilingualism, Bibliodiversity, FOSS, Open Access, Diamond OA, Scholarly Publishing, Scholar-led publishing


Using the Public Knowledge Project's extensive dataset, we will provide a global overview of the growth of the OA publishing community. Providing a high-level view of the often unseen growth of bibliodiversity of scholarly communications including the increase in multilingual publishing.

With time to consider the future and the continuity of PKP's decentralised community development and innovation and provide an update on the roadmap for the free and open source software (OJS, OMP, & OPS). In particular the development for the European Commission's Open Research Europe platform which will leave F1000 in 2026.

We will look at how this significant EU investment will directly benefit the European open community, including the development of the PRC (Publish, Review, Curate / open peer review / post-publication peer review) workflow and new open tools for the community. This will include a quick look at automated XML (JATS) typesetting and the Publication Facts Label which seek to help readers learn and easily assess an article and journal’s adherence to scholarly standards.

And, finally, a brief reflection on the key European collaborations with ORE, CRAFT-OA, DIAMAS, and national platforms (Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Albania, Sweden, etc.) and celebrating how collective decentralised open access is successfully growing across the world to the benefit of multilingualism, open science, bibliodiversity, and scholar-led publishing.

Author Biography

Mark Huskisson, Public Knowledge Project

Mark supports the Public Knowledge Project and has over thirty years of academic publishing experience and an Executive MBA from the University of Nottingham.

Mark specialises in organisational sustainability, publishing business models, and technology development, working with the scholarly communications community to reduce barriers to access and participation in developing the global knowledge base as a public good.

He is currently the Co-Chair of the Commons at OPERAS.



How to Cite

Huskisson, M. (2024). The Future is (Still) Open (and Growing): An Update on the Global PKP Community and the Development of Open Source Publishing Software. Septentrio Conference Series, (1). Retrieved from