Enhancing Diamond Open Access

How OS-APS Facilitates Media-Neutral Scholarly Publishing



Diamond open access, media-neutral publishing, FAIR, academic writing, open research, open-source application, scholarly publishing, user-driven development, democratization of knowledge, independent science


Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) presented an action plan in 2022 to establish an "equitable, community-driven, academic-led and -owned" publication infrastructure, marking a significant step in developing the Open Diamond publication model. Despite over 30,000 Diamond OA journals worldwide, challenges persist, including funding, long-term quality assurance, sustainable publication workflows, and scalability options (Action Plan for Diamond Open Access).

The Open Source Academic Publishing Suite (OS-APS) addresses these challenges, promoting sustainable Diamond OA publications. This open-source application supports a single-source workflow for media-neutral publishing, accommodating formats like PDF, HTML and JATS-XML, and integrates with platforms such as OJS, OMP and DSpace. OS-APS includes Pandoc for DOCX import and uses community-shared open source templates, requiring minimal technical expertise. This enables small and medium-sized publishers to produce scholarly articles and journals efficiently, enhancing the OA Diamond model‘s viability.

OS-APS‘s open-source nature and user-driven development culture allow extensive customization through open source code development. The Specialized Information Service for Philosophy, the official test user, has utilized OS-APS for media-neutral publication of various OA journals, including the "2nd Philosophical Symposia of the DFG." A comparison between the media-neutral 2nd Symposia and the traditionally published 1st Symposia shows a significant increase in article visibility due to more flexible usage options. The access rates of the 2nd Symposia articles more than doubled in a short time compared to the 1st Symposia and additionally, a shift in users reading habits can be noted.

OS-APS can be pivotal in establishing Diamond OA as a sustainable publication model, promoting FAIR principles, democratizing knowledge and strengthening an independent scientific sector.

In our workshop, we will provide a comprehensive insight into the practical use of OS-APS, offering an overview of the project and its goals, ensuring participants understand the necessary details and context. The second part will be a practical session, covering the entire application process from Docker installation to article publication in Open Journal Systems (OJS), designed for both experienced software developers and people with little technical know how. In this way, participants should be able to set up their own OS-APS instance in order to be able to use the advantages of the software independently.

Author Biographies

Yannik Hampf, University and City Library of Cologne (UCL)

Yannik Hampf (M.A.) is the project manager of the Specialized Information Service (SIS) for Philosophy and Sociology, based at the University and City Library (UCL) of Cologne. There, he works, among other things, on consulting and providing various OA journals in the field of philosophy. Since 2024, he has served as a member of the scientific advisory board of OS-APS STEMO.

João Martins, University and City Library of Cologne (UCL)

Dr. João Martins works at the IT infrastructure of the University and City Library (UCL) of Cologne where he designs solutions for the publication service of the university. In the past he has worked for the German Specialized Information Service for Philosophy, giving support for media neutral publications.

Dr. Carsten Borchert , SciFlow GmbH

Dr. Carsten Borchert is Managing Director of SciFlow GmbH in Berlin, which develops OS-APS as open source software. He founded the company together with Frederik Eichler in 2016. Carsten Borchert has a doctorate in economics.

Sarah Bösendörfer, University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Sarah Bösendörfer (M.A.) has been working as a project team member for OS-APS STEMO at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg since January 2024. She studied Book Science and Philosophy in her Bachelor's degree and Philosophy in her Master's degree.


Action Plan for Diamond Open Access. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6282402

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How to Cite

Hampf, Y., Martins, J., Borchert , D. C., & Bösendörfer, S. (2024). Enhancing Diamond Open Access: How OS-APS Facilitates Media-Neutral Scholarly Publishing. Septentrio Conference Series, (1). Retrieved from https://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/SCS/article/view/7785

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