Introducing the ‘Support Package for Data Management Plans for Norwegian Higher Education libraries’




Data Management Plan, DMP, Research Data Management, RDM, Research Support, Academic Library, Open Science


This workshop presents the resources produced in the 1-year project Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries (October 2023-2024). Academic support structures including libraries face a growing demand for supporting researchers with research data management (RDM) and, alongside increasing funder requirements, writing of data management plans (DMP). We will focus on how the project results and insights can be applied in institutional RDM support services.

The presented support package consists of resources for research support staff in the form of a knowledge base, and for researchers in the form of a DMP template and an accompanying supporting information. All generated text resources are sustained through an open contribution and maintenance process and are available under an open license.

The knowledge base for support personnel is based on the DMP guidance by Science Europe, which is recommended across research funders. It has been annotated in the Norwegian context and includes mappings with funder templates, machine-actionable DMP (maDMP) coverage, and stakeholder interests. We will further share reflections on project and user needs and dimensions that define complexity of a DMP. Based on these conceptual insights, we invite colleagues to discuss which project needs, DMP requirements, and stakeholders are central to their organization and users.

For use by researchers, the project furthermore developed short texts for use in digital DMP tools that were implemented as discipline-agnostic knowledge model and connected questionnaires/templates in the DMP-tool Data Stewardship Wizard. To cater to different project needs and not expose users to irrelevant questions, we make use of conditional follow-up questions and project phases. In addition, a filtering function lays basis for providing a set of five distinct questionnaires adjusted to different user groups, without the need to maintain parallel template versions. The DMP questionnaire is accompanied by a website with general and question-specific supporting information. There will be the opportunity for practical testing of different variants of the questionnaire in group work. In addition, we will briefly demonstrate how the questionnaire could be adapted to institutional or disciplinary needs.

We are looking forward to sharing the project results developed in a collaboration of the Universities in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, Tromsø, ELIXIR Norway, and PhD-on-Track and supported by the National Library of Norway. With this workshop, we wish to motivate colleagues in research support roles to adopt the DMP support package.

Importantly, we will also include brief demonstrations of how everyone can participate in keeping the common resources updated and how they can be adapted to individual needs. We invite the Norwegian research data community to contribute to maintenance and further development of these open resources.


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Author Biographies

Jenny Ostrop, University of Bergen

Jenny Ostrop is a Senior Academic Librarian at the UiB University Library, where she is library contact at the Science library and part of the research support section. She coordinates the UiB library Research Data Team and has been leading the project Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries.

Ida Benedicte Juhasz, University of Bergen

Ida Benedicte Juhasz is a Senior Academic Librarian at the UiB University Library, where she is library contact at the Faculty of Law library and part of working groups on Open Science, Research Data and PhD education. She is a member of the editorial team for PhD-on-Track, a national web resource for PhD candidates.

Korbinian Bösl, University of Bergen

Korbinian Bösl is coordinating Data Management within the national infrastructure for molecular biological information ELIXIR Norway, the connected data management infrastructure BioMedData and the national Centre for Digital Life Norway for biotechnology research, education and innovation.

Live Kvale, University of Oslo

Live Kvale is a Senior Academic Librarian at the UiO University Library. Her area of expertise is Open Research, Research Data Management training and support, data archiving and policy development. Her PhD focused on infrastructures for research data, which she obtained from OsloMet in 2022.

Leif Longva, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Leif longva is an Academic Librarian at UiT since 1995, where he has been developing services for scholarly publishing and dissemination, including open archives and open access publishing, since the late 1990s, and research data support services since 2013. Has also been involved in various national and international projects on these topics.

Svein Høier, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Svein Høier is a Senior Research Librarian at the NTNU University Library, where he contributes to the implementation of NTNU's Policy for Open Science. His area of work is research data management, from planning and collecting to curation and archiving of data.

Lisbeth Jahren, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Lisbeth Jahren is a Research Librarian and part of the Research Data team at NTNU University Library, where she supports researchers with data management planning and making research data available.

Ingrid Heggland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Ingrid Heggland is a Senior Research Librarian at NTNU University Library and team leader for the Research Data team at NTNU University Library. She works on implementing the institutional Open Science Policy and providing support, tools and services enabling Open and FAIR research.


Bibliotekutvikling. (2023). Datahåndteringsplaner: støttepakke for norske UH-bibliotek. Prosjektbank.

Datahåndteringsplaner: Støttepakke for norske UH-bibliotek. Universitetet i Bergen.åndteringsplaner-støttepakke-norske-uh-bibliotek



How to Cite

Ostrop, J., Juhasz, I. B., Bösl, K., Kvale, L., Longva, L., Høier, S., Jahren, L., & Heggland, I. (2024). Introducing the ‘Support Package for Data Management Plans for Norwegian Higher Education libraries’. Septentrio Conference Series, (1).