Tales from the Engine Room: what's ahead for OA and what’s behind us


  • Steve Eardley Cottage Labs LLP
  • Richard Jones Cottage Labs


Open Access Infrastructure, The History of Open Access, The Future of Open Access, Developer Perspectives


This presentation looks at the history of Open Access from the perspective of experienced software engineers in the sector. Over almost 25 years, Richard has been involved in local, national and international efforts in all aspects of the development of repositories and the infrastructure services that support them. Steve came into this field bright-eyed from University a decade ago. It is about what we’ve actually seen be developed and become reality in that time, and how it connects to the goals and desires of the community. It asks what lessons we can learn from that time, and what that might tell us about the future of OA, and whether it is alive and well or under threat. What is the role that the repository has to play in the coming publishing paradigms which aim to improve global publishing equity (such as Diamond and Overlay Journals) and how can we as a community enable it.

Author Biographies

Steve Eardley, Cottage Labs LLP

Partner in Cottage Labs, also Employee #1 (as in first) over 10 years ago, straight out of Informatics
at Edinburgh University. DevOps and systems.

Richard Jones, Cottage Labs

Founding Partner of Cottage Labs, a UK based software development consultancy specialising in
Open Access infrastructure. Old hand software developer. Prior expertise in University Libraries.





How to Cite

Eardley, S., & Jones, R. (2024). Tales from the Engine Room: what’s ahead for OA and what’s behind us. Septentrio Conference Series, (1). Retrieved from https://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/SCS/article/view/7792