Open Science in Policy and Practice - Lessons Learned from the National Contributions to EOSC and Open Science 2023 Survey




European Open Science Cloud, Open Science Monitoring, EOSC Track , Policy


The European OS Cloud (EOSC) is central to Europe’s mission to advance Open Science (OS), fostering a collaborative and inclusive research environment across the continent. However, the implementation and monitoring of OS practices differ significantly among European countries, each facing unique challenges, priorities, and levels of adoption.

This poster presents the key findings from the "National Contributions to EOSC and OS 2023" survey, conducted as part of the EOSC Future and EOSC Track projects. This comprehensive survey is designed to monitor policies and practices related to EOSC and OS at the national (and where applicable, regional) levels across Europe.

The survey results provide key insights into policies and practices among eight key areas of OS: Publications, Data, Software, Services, Infrastructure, Skills/Training, Assessment, and Engagement. The poster will present the results of the survey, identifying the key enablers of OS, as well as the best practices and successful strategies that have been effective in the adoption of OS across different European countries. These findings offer valuable insights into what drives success in OS and how these strategies can be replicated or adapted in different contexts.

This poster will also introduce the EOSC Track project, which aims to further develop the EOSC OS Observatory into a comprehensive, one-stop-shop policy intelligence tool. Building on the foundation laid by the EOSC Future project, EOSC Track seeks to enhance the usability, adoption, and impact of the Observatory by streamlining data ingestion, harmonizing monitoring frameworks, and improving the dissemination of policy best practices. The project emphasizes a formative approach that values iterative feedback, co-creation, and community engagement, all while upholding the principles of OS.

Through a comparative analysis of the survey results, this poster will showcase key insights into the status of OS across Europe. It will explore how these findings are being used to refine and enhance the European OS Observatory, ensuring that it becomes an indispensable tool for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders in the OS community. By presenting these insights, the poster aims to foster a deeper understanding of the complex and varied landscape of OS in Europe and stimulate discussion on how to address the challenges identified. Ultimately, it seeks to contribute to the broader goal of creating a more cohesive and effective European OS ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

Tereza Šímová, OpenAIRE

Tereza Šímová is a dedicated Open Science advocate with experience in Open Science policy making at  various levels of scientific organizations. She holds PhD in Management. At OpenAIRE, Tereza is the Research Project Manager for the EOSC Track and the Communication and dissemination lead for PathOS.

Natalia Manola, OpenAIRE

Natalia holds a Physics degree from the University of Athens, and an MS in Electrical and Computing Engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and has worked for several years as a Software Engineer and Architect in the Bioinformatics commercial sector. She has expertise in Open Science policies and implementation, having served in the EOSC Executive Board 2019-20, and in the Open Science Policy Platform (2016-17), an EC High Level Advisory Group provide advice about the development and implementation of Open Science policy in Europe.




How to Cite

Šímová, T., & Manola, N. (2024). Open Science in Policy and Practice - Lessons Learned from the National Contributions to EOSC and Open Science 2023 Survey. Septentrio Conference Series, (1).

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