Reshaping and a Makeover – Preparing Old Services for New Times



erih , operas, scholarly communication, journal index, Diamond journals, technology, community driven services


Both nationally and internationally there is an increased focus on scholarly communication with community driven models, such as Diamond Open Access, being seen as more equitable than the present. The Norwegian document “Strategi for Norsk vitenskapelig publisering etter 2024”[1] also indicates that this is a way forward for Norway.

This paradigm shift in scholarly communication may lead to changes in the publishing infrastructure and publishing culture. As an established part of the publishing ecology in Europe and Norway, erih+ and the Norwegian Registry must adhere to these changes and prepare to meet the future.

Erih+, a European journal index for the SSH academic fields, is run and owned by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. To increase the relevance and visibility by the international community, erih+ is adjusting to European needs and policy. To make sure that the developments and efforts are spent correctly, erih+ became member of the research infrastructure OPERAS in early 2023. The involvement in this research infrastructure has made it possible for erih+ to reshape and restructure the service in line with the current discussed policies.

The actions erih+ is taking to meet the future are related to metadata, technology and cooperation with the community. The renewed erih+ is strengthening the ties to the community driven journals by making sure that they are supported, retrieved, shared and highlighted. This also include the Diamond journals which are in the centre of the many discussions concerning scholarly communication today.
This presentation will focus on how the new times demand new priorities, and how technology and close bonds to the larger community is perceived as the best way forward for erih+.

By focusing on technical innovations, improved metadata schema and an engagement in the European communities, erih+ will be a service equipped to meet the needs of the future.



Author Biographies

Monica Roos, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

Monica has her background from different Norwegian University Libraries and University research administration. Mainly her work has been evolving around different aspects of scientific publishing with a focus on open science, technology and research information in general.  

Today she has the overall responsibility to make sure the journal indexes at HK-dir are developed in the wanted direction, both technically and professionally.
She also has a seat in the OPERAS Executive Assembly, which is one of the governing and deciding bodies of the Research Infrastructure. She is also one of two coordinators of the OPERAS Special Interest Group, Tools and Platforms.

Markus Bang, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

Markus Bang has a master’s degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Bergen. He began as a Student Assistant at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data in 2018, which at the time oversaw erih+ and its related services. After erih+ became a part of the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, Markus has been working as the day-to-day manager, which includes being in contact with submitters, National Experts and the Advisory Group, while contributing to the evaluation of journals. Markus’s interests and focus areas include Research Evaluation, Open Access Science and Multilingualism.



How to Cite

Roos, M., & Bang, M. . (2024). Reshaping and a Makeover – Preparing Old Services for New Times. Septentrio Conference Series, (1). Retrieved from