About the Journal

Health care services, child welfare services, and educational institutions in Norway have implemented routine use of tests and measurement tools to examine mental health, psychosocial problems, abilities, and skills in children and young people. We lack systematic knowledge of the psychometric properties of many of the tests in use. 

PsykTestBarn is an Open Access journal publishing peer-reviewed scientific articles on psychometric properties of the Norwegian versions of tests and measurement instruments relevant to these fields. The articles are syntheses of existing studies conducted in Scandinavia. PsykTestBarn is approved by the Norwegian University and College Council's publication committee (Scientific level 1). The purpose of PsykTestBarn is to contribute to inform the use of sound tests and measurement instruments in both applied and research settings.


PsykTestBarn methods

PsykTestBarn articles describe the origin of tests, different test versions, areas of use, test content, method of administration, competence requirements, and measurement and scoring procedures. The evaluations use information from reference works, test manuals and websites. Research librarians systematically search for documentation of the tests' psychometric properties in the following databases: PsycINFO, Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Oria (BIBSYS), Norart (Norwegian articles), SveMed+ (Scandinavian articles), CRIStin.no, NORA.no and Swepub. The search strategies are developed using a wide range of search terms and are published with each article for transparency. Researchers of published studies that have used Scandinavian test versions are contacted to identify additional published or unpublished studies. We also contact translators and publishers of Scandinavian test versions.


Inclusion criteria

All studies examining and reporting at least one of the following are included:

· Norm data for the test in a Norwegian sample

· Reliability: internal consistency, test-retest and interrater

· Validity: compliance with similar test scores, compliance with reference standard or other criterion and factor analyzes


Article selection

Two researchers independently screen all identified publications after duplicates have been removed. Any references considered relevant by one or both reviewers are obtained in full text and screened independently.


Assessment of the tests' psychometric properties

Two researchers independently assess the standards, validity and reliability of the tests using a customized version of European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA) Test review form and notes for reviewers. EFPA Test Review Model