Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Sense of Coherence (SOC-13)





Livskvalitet, Barn i skolealder, Ungdom


Description: Sense of Coherence (SOC) was developed by Antonovsky (1987) and consists in its original version of 29 questions (SOC-29) and in a short version of 13 questions (SOC-13). SOC-13 was translated into Norwegian and age-adapted to children and adolescents by Torsheim and Wold in 1998. There is no Norwegian version of SOC-29 and therefore only SOC-13 is described. SOC is copyright-protected, but there are no specific qualifications required for administering the test. SOC can be described as an inner attitude of how people look at life and to what extent they experience that the stimuli they are confronted with are understandable, manageable, and meaningful, which constitute the three scales. It is recommended to use the total score. High scores mean high sense of coherence and are desirable. It takes about 10–15 minutes to answer the questions for SOC-13.
Literature search: The search resulted in 12 Norwegian and 13 Danish and Swedish included studies. Those studies used different versions of SOC-13.
Psychometrics: Internal consistency in the form of Cronbach's alpha was good for the overall score of SOC-13 for the Norwegian studies. Validity was supported through confirmatory factor analysis.
Conclusion: Future studies should use the same standardized version of SOC-13 and Norwegian norms should be developed.


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How to Cite

Kaiser, S., & Kyrrestad, H. (2018). Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Sense of Coherence (SOC-13). PsykTestBarn, 8(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.21337/0056


