Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av The Leyton Obsessional Inventory Child Version (LOI-CV)
Angst, Barn i førskolealder, Barn i skolealder, UngdomAbstract
Description: Leyton Obsessional Inventory for Children (LOI-CV) assesses symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents. The child endorses the presence or absence of 20 symptoms and also an interference rating for each positively scored question using a 3-point measure of symptom interference. Carol Zaremba Berg and her colleagues developed the inventory which was initially published in 1988. The original version has good internal consistency and test-rest reliability for youth aged 11-16 years. Initial studies showed good criterion validity. However, more recent studies show divergent results that indicate poor diagnostic sensitivity. The Norwegian version was translated by Knut Gundersen, Lars T. Jørgensen, and Luke Moynahan. The Norwegian version of the LOI-CV was published in the Norwegian translation of the “OCD in Children and Adolescents: A cognitive-behavioral treatment manual” by John S. March and Karen Mulle. An ownership of the book permits a free usage of the LOI-CV. However, no requirements of the users’ competence are stated.
Literature search: We found one Danish study that reported means in a sample of 1032 youth aged 11-17 from a normal population.
Psychometrics: No reports exists on the psychometric properties of the Norwegian, Danish or Swedish version of the LOI-CV. Conclusion: Our systematic review showed no reports on the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version. We recommend carefulness when the Norwegian version of the LOI-CV is used or scores interpreted.
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