On pseudo-coordination in Spanish


  • Ana Bravo Universidad de Murcia




coordination, pseudo-coordination, auxiliary verbs, construction, grammaticalization, aspect


Abstract. Pseudo-coordination, that is, sequences of a least two verbs of the form <V1 + and + V2> raise a number of problems that stem from the fact that they share properties with a wide range of different syntactic phenomena. As regards Sp. <V1 + and + V2> schema, in this paper I address the discussion of whether it qualifies as a verbal periphrasis or not. A number of arguments are provided that show that the relation between V1 and V2 is not that of auxiliarization. Likewise, it is argued that its meaning is not aspectual. Instead, a stance is taken in favour of the analysis that argue that it is discourse related. In addition to this, it is shown that Sp. pseudo-coordinatives are subject to a high variation. Namely, V1 verbs may be divided into two big classes: go-class verbs, highly grammaticalized and, take-class verbs, less grammaticalized and with an agentive meaning. In addition to this, va y lit. goes and functions as an adverb, similarly to puede que lit. can that, ‘maybe’.

Author Biography

Ana Bravo, Universidad de Murcia

Deparment: Lengua Española y Lingüística General

Rank: Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Bravo, A. (2020). On pseudo-coordination in Spanish. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics, 9(1), 125–180. https://doi.org/10.7557/