Nordisk-nordtysk kontakt i backspegeln

på väg mot en variationssensitiv modell av grammatisk arealitet




språkkontakt, dialektkontakt, arealitet, nordiska språk, tyska, digital humaniora


Dialectological research has traditionally focused on individual languages. Cross-linguistic areal linguistics, on the other hand, has rarely taken into account intra-language variation. The PROJEKT project combines a dialectological, areal typological and contact linguistic perspective. It aims to identify and map grammatical features shared by both Nordic and North German varieties (both standard languages and non-standard language varieties such as dialects and regiolects) and to identify recurring areal patterns reflecting characteristic historical language contact scenarios. The project is based on a concept of areality that includes not only the geographical, but also the social and situational dimensions. Its empirical basis consists of existing grammatical dialect descriptions and other documentary resources. The article presents the theoretical and technical background of the project and discusses an example of the type of analysis it enables.


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