LIA-korpusa – eldre talemålsopptak for norsk og samisk gjort tilgjengelege




corpus, spoken language, Norwegian dialects, North Sámi dialects, language infrastructure


This paper presents the results from the project Language Infrastructure made Accessible (LIA) which had as its main goal to digitize and make accessible old recordings of spoken Norwegian and Sámi from various archives, first and foremost from the four partner institutions University of Oslo, University of Bergen, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The infra­structures resulting from the project can be summarized as 1) various language technology resources such as a morphological tagger and a parser for Norwegian dialects, upgrading of the corpus interface Glossa and a new infrastructure for file depots, 2) a file depot of Norwegian dialect recordings, 3) three corpora of spoken Norwegian and one for North Sámi as well as the LIA treebank. The paper exemplifies how the corpora can be utilized.


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