Måleegenskaper ved den norske lærerversjonen av Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)
ADHD, Autismespekter, Nevropsykologi, Barn i førskolealder, Barn i skolealder, UngdomAbstract
Description: The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Teacher Form (BRIEF; Gioia et
al., 2000) is a standardized questionnaire for pupils aged 5-18 years. The International licensee is
Psychological Assessment Resources Inc. The Norwegian Adaptation was published and originally
translated to Norwegian in 2004 (Sørensen & Hysing, 2014). The questionnaire assesses
executive functions in everyday life. The questionnaire consists of 86 items and is comprised of
eight scales as well as several index scales including the Behavioral Regulation Index (BRI), the
Metacognition Index (MI) and the Global Executive Composite (GEC). Interpretation of BRIEF
scores and profiles requires diagnostic expertise (clinical psychologist/medical doctor) as well as
relevant training in the interpretation of psychological tests from an accredited college or
Literature search: A total of 175 Scandinavian articles were identified, including three Norwegian
studies which contained relevant psychometric data such as mean values and evidence of
reliability and validity. The samples were Norwegian children in elementary school, with
subsamples of children in treatment at an outpatient psychiatric clinic or receiving school
psychology services.
Psychometrics: There is some evidence supporting the use of the original American scale norms
in Norway; mean values for fourth-grade Norwegian pupils were mainly consistent with the
original American norms. In addition, Norwegian studies further support the reliability, construct
validity, and the sensitivity of the instrument.
Conclusion: The BRIEF teacher form should be used with caution in Norway. There is a possibility
of underestimating the child`s difficulties on the Flexibility and Planning/Organizing scales when
using the original American norms.
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