About the Journal

Aims and Scope

1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies is an international, multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, diamond open access scholarly journal published by the Swedish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in cooperation with the Finnish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (since 2009), the Norwegian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (since 2010), the Danish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (since 2013), and the Icelandic Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (since 2013).

1700-tal welcomes contributions on all aspects of the long eighteenth century and its reception, written in Scandinavian languages or in English, French or German.

Peer Review Process

Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two specialist referees independently of the editorial board. The review system used is double-blind, i.e. anonymous to both author and reviewer.

Publication frequency

The journal is published annually, in the fall. All content is made available online, free of charge and without any embargo period. In addition, a printed version is distributed among members of the Nordic societies for eighteenth-century studies.

Open Access Policy

1700-tal is a so-called Diamond Open Access journal, free for all readers and free of charges for authors.

The journal provides immediate open access to all content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All content is licensed under a CC BY license and copyright is retained by the author(s) without restrictions. Authors are free to redistribute, self-archive or revise their work in any form they wish, provided that 1700-tal is quoted as the original publisher, in accordance with well-established conventions of scholarly conduct.


  • ISSN 1652-4772  (print version)
  • ISSN 2001-9866 (electronic version)

Journal History

1700-tal started in 2004 as the yearbook of the Swedish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Vol. 1(2004)-5(2008) were published under the name Sjuttonhundratal. With Vol. 6(2009), the Finnish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies joined as owners and publishers, and the title was changed to Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies. A further expansion followed with Vol. 7(2010), when the Norwegian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies joined as owners and publishers. Since Vol. 10(2013), even the Danish and Icelandic Societies for Eighteenth-Century Studies are part of the yearbook's owners and publishers. Furthermore, an international advisory board consisting of a number of highly merited scholars has been established.

In 2019, the name was changed into 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies and full, immediate open access to all content is now offered on the journal's website. Septentrio Academy Publishing, an open access service provided by the University Library of UiT The Arctic University of Norway, is responsible for the electronic version of 1700-tal. Vol. 7(2010) was the first volume of the journal to appear online, in January 2013. The entire back catalogue is by now available online at Septentrio Academic Publishing. Distribution of the printed version continues in close collaboration with the national societies for eighteenth-century studies and a Print on Demand service is available for individual customers since Vol. 16 (2019).

Editors-in-chief since the start

  • Mikael Alm, Karin Sennefelt & Ann Öhrberg (2004)
  • Jakob Christensson (2005)
  • Jonas Nordin (2006–2009)
  • David Dunér (2010–2015)
  • My Hellsing (2016–2020)
  • Johannes Ljungberg (2021–)