
  • Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic (II)
    Vol. 13 (2024)

    This volume is based on an open call for new knowledge (from across all disciplines) relevant for the conservation and management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. 

    Series Editors: Naima El bani Altuna, Maria Garagouni

  • The cover image shows a seal lying on a rock, by the sea.

    Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic
    Vol. 12 (2022)

    This volume is based on an open call for new knowledge (from across all disciplines) relevant for the conservation and management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. This volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications is dedicated to Gísli Arnór Víkingsson (1956-2022), in acknowledgement of his contribution to the work of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee and cetacean research in general.

    Series Editors: Albert Fernández Chacón, Heleen Middel and Fern Wickson

  • Sightings Surveys in the North Atlantic: 30 years of counting whales
    Vol. 11 (2019)

    Volume 11, Sightings Surveys in the North Atlantic: 30 years of counting whales, contains a series of articles presenting results from the North Atlantic Survey Series (NASS). This is a series of internationally coordinated cetacean surveys conducted in the North Atlantic in 1987, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2007 and 2015. The volume also includes articles dealing with other surveys done in the North Atlantic in the period 1987-2016, as well as a technical note on new instrumentation and an overview table of the best available abundance estimates for cetacean species in the North Atlantic.

    Scientific Editors: Geneviève Desportes, Rikke Guldborg Hansen and Daniel Pike.

    Series Editor: Fern Wickson.

    Cover picture credits:
    Platform setup: Troels Jacobsen, PolarImages (upper left)
    Data reporting: Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland (top middle)
    Aerial survey team: Carsten Egevang, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (top right)
    Narwhal aerial view: Carsten Egevang, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (bottom left)
    Binoculars: Christophe Pampoulie (bottom middle)
    Long-finned pilot whale: Geneviève Desportes (bottom right)

  • Cover for NAMMCO Scientific Publications, Volume 10

    Age estimation of marine mammals with a focus on monodontids
    Vol. 10

    Scientific Editors: Christina Lockyer, Aleta Hohn, Robert EA Stewart, Rod Hobbs, and Mario Acquarone

    Series Editor: Jill Prewitt

    © Cover photos: Barbara Stewart

  • Walrus of the North Atlantic
    Vol. 9

    Scientific Editors: Robert EA Stewart, Kit Kovacs, Mario Acquarone 

    Series Editor: Jill Prewitt

  • Harbour seals in the North Atlantic and the Baltic
    Vol. 8

    Scientific Editors: Geneviève Desportes, Arne Bjørge, Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid and Gordon T Waring

    Series Editor: Mario Acquarone

    Cover Photos: Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid, Mario Acquarone and Arne Bjørge

  • North Atlantic Sightings Surveys: Counting whales in the North Atlantic, 1987-2001
    Vol. 7

    Scientific Editors: Christina Lockyer and Daniel Pike

    Series Editor: Mario Acquarone

    Cover Photo: Lars Witting

  • Grey seals in the North Atlantic and the Baltic
    Vol. 6

    Scientific Editors: Tore Haug, Mike Hammill, Droplaug Ólafsdóttir

    Series Editors: Daniel G Pike and Mario Acquarone

    Cover Photo: Mike Hammill 

  • Harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic
    Vol. 5

    Scientific Editors: Tore Haug, Geneviève Desportes, Gísli A Víkingsson, Lars Witting

    Series Editor: Daniel G Pike

  • Belugas in the North Atlantic and the Russian Arctic
    Vol. 4

    Scientific Editors: Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen and Øystein Wiig

    Series Editor: Daniel G Pike

  • Sealworms in the North Atlantic: Ecology and Population Dynamics
    Vol. 3

    Scientific Editors: Geneviève Desportes and Gary McClelland

    Series Editor: Daniel G Pike

  • Minke whales, harp and hooded seals: Major predators in the North Atlantic Ecosystem
    Vol. 2

    Scientific Editors: Gísli A Víkingsson and Finn O Kapel

    Series Editor: Daniel G Pike

  • Ringed Seals in the North Atlantic
    Vol. 1

    Scientific Editors: Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen and Christian Lydersen

    Series Editor: Sidsel Grønvik