Láksjohka, Tana kommune, Finnmark 2006
House-pits, inland archaeology, Arctic Norway, hunter-gatherer, Stone AgeAbstract
Excavation report (in Norwegian) from Láksjohka, Deatnu/Tana municipality, Finnmark. Includes background, methods, observations, interpretations and AMS dates.
Related publications:
Skandfer, M. 2012 "Change and Recollection: House Structures and Social Identification in Finnmark, Artic Norway 2400 BC - AD 300." In Damm, Charlotte and Saarikiivi, Janne (eds.): Networks, Interaction and Emerging Identities in Fennoscandia and Beyond. Papers from the Conference held in Tromsø, Norway, October 13-16 2009. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura / Finno-Ugrian Society 2012 pp. 155-176
Skandfer, M. and Bruun, I. M. 2004 "”De eldste husene i Pasvik.” Varanger årbok 2006, pp. 106-117.
Report from the same site 2004: http://doi.org/10.7557/7.4312
Report from the same site 2007: http://doi.org/10.7557/7.4334
Hansen, Lars-Ivar og Olsen, Bjørnar 2004: Samenes historie fram til 1750. Cappelen akademisk forlag, Oslo
Schanche, Kjersti 1994: Gressbakkentuftene i Varanger. Upublisert dr.art.-avhandling i akeologi, Universitetet i Tromsø
Skandfer, Marianne og Bruun, Inga M. 2006: De eldste husene i Pasvik. Varanger årbok 2006