Progress report I
ArcHum – Center for Arctic Humanities
Arctic Humanities, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Humanities strategy, culture, society, integrative knowledge formsAbstract
The Center for Arctic Humanities responds to the challenges in the Research Council of Norway's evaluation of the humanities in Norway. The center is part of UiT's humanities initiative from 2021, initiated by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (HSL-fak), The Arctic University Museum of Norway and Academy of Fine Arts (UMAK), and the University Library (UB), and is a measure to achieve the goals in the development agreement with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (KD) regarding the strengthening of knowledge in and about the Arctic. It is based on the Norwegian parliamentary report on the Humanities in Norway (2016-2017), UiT's humanities strategy (2021), and UiT's strategy Eallju – Developing the High North: UiT’s strategy towards 2030 (2022). The University Board decided in November 2021 to finance the center for a four-year period with funds from UiT's strategic development fund and a grant from the Ministry of Education and Research.
This report documents the background for the establishment of the ArcHum Center for Arctic Humanities and activities in the period from July 2023 to February 2024.
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