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  • 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
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  • Arina: Nordisk tidsskrift for kvensk forskning / Pohjoismainen kveenitutkimuksen aikakausjulkaisu
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  • Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics
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  • Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture
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  • Målbryting
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  • NAMMCO Scientific Publications
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  • Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning
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  • Nordlit
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  • Nordlyd
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  • Poljarnyj vestnik
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  • Proceedings of the Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop
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  • PsykTestBarn
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  • Rangifer
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  • Sámi dieđalaš áigečála
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  • Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents
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  • Aurorae Borealis Studia Classica
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  • CAGE – Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate Report Series
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  • iC3 Report Series
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  • The Nansen Legacy Report Series
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  • Nordic Perspectives on Open Science
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  • Open Science Talk
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  • Ottar
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  • Ravnetrykk
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  • Samisk senters skriftserie
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  • Septentrio Conference Series
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  • Septentrio Educational
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  • Septentrio Reports
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  • Tromura
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  • UiT School of Business and Economics Working Papers in Economics
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