Systematic review and classification of: Skilsmissegrupper




Systematic review, Group-based intervention, Divorce, Family breakup


Background: Skilsmissegrupper is a promoting and preventive group-based intervention for children and adoles-cents, which are being delivered in school, primarily by the school health services. The main goal of the intervention is to give children who experience a divorce or a family breakup a place to meet other children with similar experiences. It is also an arena to talk to other than their parents about their situation and be more capable to cope with this (new) life-situation. The intervention was de-veloped early in 2000 by two school health nurses, and today it is run by the organization Voksne for Barn.

Methods: This review is based on a systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. International databases on evidence have also been searched, as well as information about the intervention from the program provider. Re-sults from literature searches and the other information obtained were reviewed to identify Nordic effect studies, international systematic reviews, and eventually other Norwegian studies of the in-tervention.

Results: The results presented here is an overall assessment of the intervention`s description, available studies, and the quality of implementation. Skilsmissegrupper shows a satisfactory description of the intervention, built upon a known theoretical foundation. Further, this review is based on three qualitative studies which have explored both the youths and the group facilitators experiences with the intervention, as well as an evaluation report. However, there are no Nordic effect studies of the intervention, which makes it difficult to make any conclusions regarding the effect of the interven-tion.

Conclusion: Skilsmissegrupper is classified at evidence level 2 – Theoretically-based intervention.


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Illustrasjonsfoto: Barn som klipper i stykker en papirlenke som illustrerer en familie.


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How to Cite

Rasmussen, L.-M. P., Christiansen, Øivin, & Reedtz, C. (2022). Systematic review and classification of: Skilsmissegrupper. Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 14(1).



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