Systematic review and classification of: Zero (2. ed.)




universal prevention, children, youth, reduce anxity, increase well-being, prevent bullying, bullying prevention program


Background: This paper is a review of current knowledge on the effects of Zero, a school-based, universal preventive program against bullying, aimed at children and young people. The paper is a revision of a previous summary in Ungsinn (Martinussen & Eng, 2010), which is revised according to Ungsinn's new criteria and procedures for assessment and classification of measures (Martinussen et al., 2016).

The main objective of the program is to reduce bullying and fear of bullying, to prevent bullying, and to increase school well-being. The program is not manualized, but is based on the principles of zero tolerance for bullying, authoritative adults, consistency and continuity. This implies that pupils are not allowed to be unpleasant to each other, adults should practice a combination of support and control, and that measures to prevent bullying should be integrated into the school's overall activities. Both employees, pupils and parents are involved in the program. Schools are supposed to develop their own plans of action against bullying based on the principles and ideas of the Zero program. The key areas that are pursued are to uncover bullying, problem solving, prevention and continuity. The pupil council is also involved and encouraged to work systematically with anti-bullying work both within and outside the classroom.

The program is developed by the Centre for Learning Environment in Stavanger, but is currently not implemented actively. Further development and facilitation of the program depends on the authorities’ priorities.

Method: The summary of knowledge is based on a systematic literature search in the Embase, Medline, Psychinfo, NORART Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS, and SweMed databases, reports from the The Knowledge Centre for the Health, NREPP, NICE and Blueprint reports, as well as information provided by the promoters.

Results: The literature search resulted in one effect study which was an evaluation of the program conducted in 2003/2004 including a total of 146 schools and more than 20000 participating pupils. This study utilized two quasi-experimental designs. Firstly, pupils in the schools who implemented Zero was compared to pupils who did not participate in the program. The second design was pretest-posttest study where pupils in Zero schools were compared before and after the program was implemented. The study has some methodological constraints and weak results, especially when it comes to comparing Zero schools and other schools.

Conclusion: The Zero program is well described and is based on well-founded theory. Furthermore, the program has thorough procedures for implementation. However, there is a need for updating Zero, especially when it comes to adapting the program to the new, digital reality and to more recent theories of bullying. There is also a need for more robust effect studies to conclude whether the measure is more effective than ordinary practice.

Based on Ungsinn’s criteria the Zero was classified at level 3: Interventions with some documentation of effect.


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Illustrasjonsfoto. En trist jente med en gruppe ungdommer som står i bakgrunnen.


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How to Cite

Holen, S., Martinussen, M., & Eng, H. (2017). Systematic review and classification of: Zero (2. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 9(2).



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