Systematic review and classification of: Green thoughts - happy children (2. ed.)




Systematic review, material package, kindergarten, thought awareness, emotional awareness, psychosocial environment, psychosocial development, development


Background: This article is a summary of current knowledge of the effects of the program Grønne tanker – glade barn [Green thoughts – happy Children]. Grønne tanker – glade barn is a program consisting of a material package to be used by staff in the kindergarten. The purpose is to increase children's awareness of their own feelings. The intention is that this will make the kids better in understanding their own and others emotional reactions, increase their ability to regulate their own emotions, and thereby also contribute to a good psychosocial environment. The material can be used as a universal preventive intervention strengthening the psychosocial development for all children. In addition the material can be used to support children with more need of support. The non-governmental organization Voksne for Barn [Adults for Children] is responsible for implementing the program in Norway, and they offer training. The purpose of this article is to examine whether Grønne tanker – glade barn is effective when used in ordinary practice in Norway.

Method: This review is based on information about intervention and systematic search of literature search in the databases Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART Cochrane, Cristin, NORASCOPUS and SweMed.

Results: The results include a summing up of the program description, the effect of eventual studies, quality of research and implementation. The intervention is well described in the material and through two papers. The program has good theoretical and empirical basis within the field of cognitive behavioral therapy, but there are no studies exploring the efficacy. The material is available for implementation for all kindergartens. Beyond a brief training session, there is not offered any implementation support. Nor are there systems to secure good implementation quality. Probably, the program is applied very differently in various kindergartens, which may disturb the effects of the program.

Conclusion: The program Grønne tanker – glade barn is satisfactorily described, and it’s well adapted to curriculum of the kindergarten. Studies of the effects and how the program best can be implemented is necessary to reveal whether the intervention is effective. A good effect study will, however, requires a more precise description of the aims in the program. A good theoretical foundation strengthens the likelihood that the intervention can promote good mental health and reduce the difficulties for children at an early age.


Grønne tanker – glade barn is classified at evidence level 2 - Theoretically grounded interventions.


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Illustrasjonsfoto. En jente som smiler til kameraet.


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How to Cite

Eng, H., & Ulvund, S. E. (2016). Systematic review and classification of: Green thoughts - happy children (2. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 8(1).



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