Russian converb constructions corresponding to Swedish purposive för att ‘in order to’ + infinitive constructions
Contrastive linguistics, Russian, Swedish, Converbs, Purpose meaning, Semantics, ConstructionsAbstract
The present investigation explores the contexts that trigger purposive interpretations of Russian converbs. The contrastive method is used to elicit purposive converb usages from Swedish corresponding constructions, namely, [för att ‘in order to’ + infinitive] constructions. Two main structural types are observed. One analytic construction, in which imperfective converbs specify mental acts of wishing, trying, or intending [converb + infinitive], e.g., želaja najti ‘wishing to find’. The second construction is synthetic, comprising of imperfective converbs without infinitives [converb]: otyskivaja ‘trying to find’. Both constructions involve mental acts of intending, wishing, or trying, which are explicit in the analytic constructions and implicit in the synthetic constructions. In the synthetic constructions, a concrete eventuality denoted by a finite matrix verb serves as a means of fulfilling an intended outcome, denoted by an abstract manner-neutral converb form. In this sense, the purposive meaning that is expressed hinges on a means:purpose (means:end) complementarity as an effect of manner:result complementarity. Differing degrees of the Subject’s involvement in the progression of the attainment of the intended outcomes can be observed, ranging from preparatory steps to achieved results. An important observation is that purposive converb constructions (either synthetic or analytic) may occur with markers of assumed evidentiality, such as slovno ‘like’, kak by ‘as if’, and vidimo ‘apparently’.
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