Cold Seeps Extreme24 Expedition Report
Cold seeps, Methane, Barents Sea, Gas hydrate, Mud volcano, Carbonate, Craters, Biogeochemical processes, Deep-Sea Biology, DNA, Seafloor imaging, Education, Outreach, co-creation and participation, Microbiology, Meiofauna, MacrofaunaAbstract
The Cold Seeps Extreme24 Expedition was the second leg of two expeditions, which form part of the University of Tromsø’s Extreme 24 project.
The expedition focused on cold seeps sites characterised by methane emissions in several localities in the Barents Sea. The expedition is a research initiative (PI G. Panieri) hosted by the Department of Geosciences, part of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, situated in Tromsø, and involved partners from different research institutes and universities around the world and used the REV Ocean Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Aurora.
The expedition has been developed by leveraging the extensive knowledge gained from two significant projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council: CAGE (Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate) and AKMA (Advancing Knowledge of Methane in the Arctic), both hosted at the Department of Geosciences at UiT. These projects have provided fundamental understandings to define the objectives and methodologies used during the EXTREME24 expedition, aiming to broaden our understanding of Arctic extreme environments.
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Metzger, E., Thibault, A., Cesbron, F., Barbe, A., Launeau, P., Jézéquel, D., & Mouret, A. (2016). Simultaneous Nitrite/Nitrate Imagery at Millimeter Scale through the Water–Sediment Interface. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(15), 8188–8195.
Metzger, E., Viollier, E., Simonucci, C., Prévot, F., Langlet, D., & Jézéquel, D. (2013). Millimeter-scale alkalinity measurement in marine sediment using DET probes and colorimetric determination. Water Research, 47(15), 5575–5583.
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2025 Giuliana Panieri, Ines Barrenechea Angeles, Claudio Argentino, Gaelle Bednarek, James Brickell, Arianna Caneva, Beckett Colson, Lisa-Marie Delpech, Mari Heggernes Eilertsen, Lorna Farquhar, Oceane Garandel, Thea Gjesdal, Corentin Guilhermic, Fereshteh Hemmateenejad, Lawrence Hislop, Dimitri Kalenitchenko, Michale Kjær, Tor-Arve Lunde, Rune Mattingsdal, Martina O’brien, Bjorn Runar Olsen, Jo Øvstaas, Jørn B. Nyvoll, Jan Pawlowski, Carlotta Redaelli, Pedro F.C. Rodrigues, Leighton Rolley, Alessandra Savini, Olaf Sørås, Stig Vågenes, Patrick Vågenes, Torstein Wang, Scott Wieman, Yu Ting Yan

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