No. 1 (2025): EXTREME thematic issue

This is an issue for individual reports belonging to the Extremes project.

Published: 2025-01-15


  • Cold Seeps Extreme24 Expedition Report

    Giuliana Panieri, Ines Barrenechea Angeles, Claudio Argentino, Gaelle Bednarek, James Brickell, Arianna Caneva, Beckett Colson, Lisa-Marie Delpech, Mari Heggernes Eilertsen, Lorna Farquhar, Oceane Garandel, Thea Gjesdal, Corentin Guilhermic, Fereshteh Hemmateenejad, Lawrence Hislop, Dimitri Kalenitchenko, Michale Kjær, Tor-Arve Lunde, Rune Mattingsdal, Martina O’brien, Bjorn Runar Olsen, Jo Øvstaas, Jørn B. Nyvoll, Jan Pawlowski, Carlotta Redaelli, Pedro F.C. Rodrigues, Leighton Rolley, Alessandra Savini, Olaf Sørås, Stig Vågenes, Patrick Vågenes, Torstein Wang, Scott Wieman, Yu Ting Yan
  • Arctic Ocean and Barents Sea Fauna Catalogue

    Fereshteh Hemmateenejad, Sofia P. Ramalho, Pedro A. Ribeiro, Mari Heggernes Eilertsen, Nicolas Straube, Alessandra Savini, Luca Fallati, Giuliana Panieri
  • Arctic Ocean and Barents Sea Seafloor Substrate Catalogue

    Fereshteh Hemmateenejad, Alessandra Savini, Luca Fallati, Giuliana Panieri