AKMA3 Cruise Report





Methane, Barents Sea, Gas hydrate, Mud volcano, Carbonate, Craters, Biogeochemical processes, Deep-Sea Biology, DNA, Seafloor imaging, Education, Outreach, co-creation, participation


The AKMA3 oceanographic expedition (29th April–10th May) is part of the Advancing Knowledge of Methane in the Arctic, a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (287869). The main aim of AKMA is to develop a long-term, multidisciplinary education, and research collaboration focused on Arctic methane sources, processes, ecosystems, and geological history to provide exceptional training for the next generation of experts in Arctic marine sciences and greenhouse gas phenomena.

The AKMA3 oceanographic expedition focuses on three objectives:

  • SCIENCE: Focus on the interplay between changing ocean conditions and the physical, biological, and chemical response of extreme environments (methane and oil seepage sites) through a multidisciplinary study of sites in the Barents Sea. Research activities: study sediment-sea-air greenhouse gas exchange; conducting water-column profiling of CH4; gas source analyses; biological and sediment sampling.
  • EDUCATION: This high-level science on this cruise also includes sea-going training for students to develop their knowledge in collecting, curating, and processing samples and data, providing opportunities to fully engage in marine science.
  • OUTREACH: To generate enthusiasm and interest in research expeditions with students and to promote a deeper understanding of science and its applications.


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How to Cite

Panieri, G., Bünz, S., Savini, A., Rogers, A. D. ., Colson, B., Argentino, C., Dausse, D., Swanborn, . D., Goetz, E., Ernsten, E., Hemmateenejad, F., Barrenechea Angeles, I., Viola, I., Hayden-Nygren, J., Andersen, K., Rolley, L., Eilertsen, M. H., Cosserat, O., Vågenes, P., Andersen, R., Ventrice, R., Mattingsdal, R., Ramalho, S., Vågenes, S., Coulombier, T., Yun Fann, T., Holms, T., Lanci, V., Petsakou, V., Holm, V., & Yu Ting, Y. (2024). AKMA3 Cruise Report. Septentrio Reports, (1). https://doi.org/10.7557/7.7745




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