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Sjekkliste for innleveringen

Forfatteren må krysse av for at innleveringen oppfyller kravene som listes under. Innleveringer som ikke oppfyller disse, kan bli returnert til forfatteren.
  • Manuskriptet har blitt anbefalt til publisering av fakultetsledelsen.
  • Forfatteren har skaffet rettigheter til å publisere ev. tredje-parts materiale.
  • URL-adresser og DOI-numre til alle de nettbaserte referansene er inkludert. URL-adressene og DOI-numre må være klikkbare.
  • Dokumentet er universelt utformet.


All manuscripts must be submitted via Online Submission. Remember to add all co-authors during the submission. If you need technical help, see this Authoring manual for the series' platform (Open Journal Systems) or contact

Quality control

Septentrio Reports is a non-peer-reviewed report series that is run by the university library. To ensure some form of quality control, a report must be recommended for publication by the author's faculty: Faculty dean or Vice dean for research should scan through the report and approve its publication by sending an email to before the author submits the report manuscript in Septentrio Reports.

Third-party material

Does your report contain any material (such as images) whose rights belong to other people or organizations? If yes, you need to obtain permission to publish this material before you submit the report to Septentrio Reports. You can also try to look for images licensed for reuse at the CC Search portal. Remember to attribute correctly.

Web accessibility – readability for all

If you submit Word-files, make sure you use styles. You can also use our template.

All manuscripts submitted to Septentrio Reports must be web accessible, so that people with disabilities can read them. See Septentrio's guidelines on how to create accessible content. If you are using Microsoft Word, run the Accessibility Checker tool on your document and fix any accessibility issues BEFORE you submit your report. In addition, pay attention to the following:

  • Headings must be formatted with a heading style (not just as a bigger bold font).
  • Paragraphs that look like lists, must also be formatted as lists.
  • Images must be set "In Line with Text" and have alternative text.
  • Tables must have header rows, column headings and alternative text. Tables should be used exclusively to present tabular data or content – do not use tables for mere layout purposes.

DOIs in reference lists

The reference list must include DOIs for those sources that have them. A DOI must be formatted as a clickable URL. If you are unsure whether your references have DOIs associated with them, you can use this useful tool from Crossref.


Any kind of report, paper, briefing or communication resulting from research, development work, administration or other scientific/scholarly activity at or affiliated with UiT The Arctic University of Norway.


Used for parts of reports when it is convenient to publish a report in a number of parts.

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