Second Book Launch and Creative Bilingual Workshop “Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites”



Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Book launch, Creative, Bilingual Workshop, Emotional Intelligence


The overall aim of this report is to document the experience gained during the second book launch and the second experience of a creative and emotional education bilingual workshop on the book Follow Your Heart: the school for multipotentialites. Continuing along the lines of the first book launch and the co-created scientific workshop in Shepton Mallet, UK, in February 2023, the authors of the book, in collaboration with the teacher Jorinde Green (LaLa Land, Torino), organized a second event targeting primary-school aged children and their families to join for an afternoon of Follow Your Heart-inspired activities, storytelling, and collaborative work on ecological and emotional education in the Space Habitat, in via Le Chiuse 66, Torino. Building off the first book launch in the UK, which was hosted by the educational farm The Good Life Projects, this second event was held in a community center and project called “Habitat” and brought together 18 children (ages 4 to 9) and their parents and/or guardians. The proceeds from the event, which were collected through book sales, were donated to Windsor Hill Wood and to Space Habitat (our host) itself, to support educational spaces that promote quality education for all. In continuity with the previous report, this report aims to share the key lessons learned from the event and promote further discussion within the field of emotional and ecological education, in line with the project ECO_CARE.


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Margherita Paola Poto, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Research Professor, Faculty of Law, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. ECOCARE Principal Investigator.

Emily Margaret Murray

Author, ECOCARE Researcher, and Media Content Creator

Valentina Russo

Author, and Illustrator, Mucho Amor

Jorinde Green

Teacher, LaLa Land, Turin


Billett, P., & Martin, D. (2018). Engaging students in co-creation of sociological knowledge and curriculum design as a form of deep engagement. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 15(5), 7.

Denham, S. A., & Brown, C. (2010). “Plays nice with others”: Social–emotional learning and academic success. Early Education and Development, 21(5), 652-680.

Mokhtar, N.H., Halim, M.F.A, & Kamarulzaman, S.Z.S. (2011). The Effectiveness of Storytelling in Enhancing Communicative Skills. Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, 18, 163-169.

Murray, E. M., Poto, M. P., Russo, V. (2022). Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites, Aracne-La Bussola. ISBN: 979-12-5474-218-1

Murray E. M., Poto, M. P. (2022). Co-creation of educational spaces and curricula to develop an ecology of participation: an example from Follow Your Heart in LOHSE, POTO, Coproduction of knowledge in Climate Governance, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8305-5538-4

Murray, E. M., Poto, M. P. (2023) (working title). Achieving a Common Future for All Through Sustainability-Conscious Legal Education and Research Methods, in progress

Poster for the second book launch of Follow Your Heart, held on 18th March 2023 in Turin. The event also included a creative bilingual workshop.




Hvordan referere

Poto, M. P., Murray, E. M., Russo, V., & Green, J. (2023). Second Book Launch and Creative Bilingual Workshop “Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites”. Septentrio Reports, (1).


